Accommodations - UNC Equal Opportunity and Compliance
Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC) assists the University community with disability, pregnancy and religious accommodation requests, including auxiliary aids and services. EOC …
Student Accommodations - UNC Equal Opportunity and Compliance
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill provides reasonable accommodations for applicants and current students with disabilities that impact academics, on-campus living, dining, and cocurricular and extracurricular campus activities.
UNC-Chapel Hill Single Sign-On
Reset password for Onyen | UNC Guest ID or get help. Important To protect your personal information, you must close every instance of this browser that is open on your computer when …
Accessibility at UNC - UNC Equal Opportunity and Compliance
In 2024, Accessibility Resources and Service (ARS) merged with Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC), consolidating resources and expertise to better assist the campus community in the interactive accommodation request process.
Accessibility Resources & Service (ARS) - Safe at UNC
To connect with ARS, you may visit their website which includes information for new applicants. This resource is for students (undergraduate, graduate, professional and doctoral). Examples of academic support: oversee the University’s registration process for accommodations related to disabilities and medical conditions, including needs ...
ARS Hub Orientation - Students - UNC Equal Opportunity and …
Equal Opportunity and Compliance 214 W. Cameron Ave. Campus Box 9160 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 ————– 919-966-3576 [email protected]
Accessibility Resources, Testing Accommodations & the Learning …
The School of Medicine works with Accessibility Resources and Services (ARS) in order to provide appropriate classroom and testing accommodations. To obtain accommodations, documentation of disability must be submitted to ARS. See the ARS website for details regarding documentation requirements.
UNC School of Social Work Accessibility Guide
2025年1月15日 · Accommodations for UNC students are provided through UNC ARS. You may visit the ARS website to request accommodation. For questions, please contact ARS at [email protected] or by phone at (919) 962-8300.
ADA & Accessibility - UNC Housing
If you need housing accommodations, Accessibility Resources & Service will assist you! ARS works with all students including undergraduate and graduate students, full-time and part-time students, students following continuing education courses or who may be auditing, and program applicants. To request accommodations please Connect with ARS.
How to Get Accommodations – Learning Center
In college, YOU are responsible for initiating the set up of your accommodations. You do this by registering with Equal Opportunity and Compliance (EOC Accommodations). …