Marsico Lung Institute/UNC Cystic Fibrosis Center
The MLI Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core (TPC) was established to provide standardized cell cultures for CF research. The TPC serves as a central source of normal, CF and disease control cells, tissues and fluids for a wide array of uses.
The MLI Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core
The Marsico Lung Institute Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core (MLI TPC) was established to provide standardized cell cultures for CF research. The MLI TPC serves as a central source of normal, CF and disease control cells, tissues and fluids for a wide array of uses.
Scott H. Randell, PhD - Marsico Lung Institute
Dr. Scott Randell also directs the UNC Marsico Lung Institute (MLI) Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core, which provides primary and passaged human airway and alveolar epithelial cells, lung microvascular endothelial cells, media and expertise to …
iLab Organizer
IBGS at UNC operates at the interface between the UNC School of Medicine and College of Arts & Sciences to support research that works toward a mechanistic understanding of basic biological processes, thereby generating discoveries that fuel the translational research pipeline.
MLI - VisioPharm - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Campus File Servers (e.g. CF Center Shared/Group/Home, \\minsky.med.unc.edu\vs200, etc.) can be connected to from the workstation and used to download data into the computer and VisioPharm database. The Visio-Database is on the E: drive which is …
UNC Animal Models Core Facility | Scientist.com
The The Marsico Lung Institute (MLI) Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core (TPC) was established to provide standardized cell cultures for CF research. The TPC serves as a central source of normal, CF and disease control cells, tissues and fluids for a wide array of uses.
Leslie Fulcher | MLI组织获取和细胞培养核心
她与Marsico Lung Institute (MLI) UNC囊性纤维化中心(CF Center) P.I合作,建立和修改协议和程序,监督和保持从人体标本中细胞分离和培养程序的质量控制,协助细胞培养实验的设计和执行,并帮助新客户和Core员工有效和准确地利用Core提供的材料。
Marsico Lung Institute/UNC Cystic Fibrosis Center
The Marsico Lung Institute (MLI)/UNC Cystic Fibrosis Center (CF Center) has a rich tradition of collaboration. It exhibits a wide scope but “thin” coverage of the scientific areas relevant to CF.
Tissue Culture Facility - UNC Lineberger
The TCF operates the only centralized molecular biology materials program at UNC. Through the program, researchers can obtain almost any enzyme, reagent, or kit for use in molecular biology related work.
The MLI Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core
The Marsico Lung Institute (MLI) Tissue Procurement and Cell Culture Core (Core) was established to provide standardized cell cultures for CF research. The Core serves as a central source of normal, CF and disease control cells, tissues and fluids for a wide array of uses.