M650 Mastodon - Vehicle - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
The M650 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), commonly known as the Mastodon, is an armored personnel carrier of the United Nations Space Command, primarily utilized by the UNSC Army and colonial defense forces.
M650 Mastodon Armoured Personnel Carrier - Halo Fanon
The M650 Mastodon Armoured Personnel Carrier is a UNSC armoured vehicle. A heavy duty APC, the Mastodon is a frontline behemoth made to escort tanks into battle, carrying infantry to the front. Armoured like a tank, armed with a remote controlled turret, and carrying infantry with firing ports for supporting fire.
M35 Anti-Infantry Support Platform - Vehicle - Halopedia
The M35 Anti-Infantry Support Platform, colloquially known as the Cougar, is an armoured fighting vehicle and fire support platform employed by the military forces of the United Nations Space Command. [1] The Cougar is a six-wheeled IFV, engineered for swift transit and high mobility. [1]
M88 Armored Personnel Carrier - Vehicle - Halopedia, the Halo wiki
Bisons are versatile, durable vehicles that served in most groundside combat elements of the old Colonial Military Authority [CMA] in a number of roles, including armored personnel carrier and recovery vehicle. It remains in service with several UNSC Army units and local militias [such as the Sedran Colonial Guard].
齿轮骡马:《光环》UNSC地面载具综述(上) - 机核 GCORES
其中最为常规的是M650装甲人员输送车(M650 Armored Personnel Carrier,APC),统称为“乳齿象”(Mastodon)。 作为用途单一的装甲运兵车,M650的搭载隔间可以容纳十五至二十人,甚至数名全副武装的斯巴达战士。
Equipment of the UNSC Army | Halo Fanon | Fandom
This article details the diverse array of equipment issued by the UNSC Army, the largest uniformed branch of the UNSC by manpower, during the Human-Covenant War and Remnant War. As of 2525, when it was primarily a counter-insurgency force, the UNSC Army issued a number of divergent...
M125 Wildebeest | Halo Fanon - Fandom
The M125 Armored Personnel Carrier, colloquially known as the Wildebeest, is a multi-role amphibious APC utilized by the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) military. The Wildebeest boasts a high level of maneuverability and speed, even when navigating steep or austere terrain, and as such was a...
【HALO光环百科】保家卫国----UNSC陆军 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
unsc陆军是unsc主要的一支武装力量。负责和 unsc海军陆战队 以及其他陆基武装力量一起在 联合地面司令部 的指挥下执行各种陆基作战任务。与通常和 unsc海军 联合作战进行各类深空任务的 unsc海军陆战队 不同。
Steam Workshop::Halo UNSC - Steam Community
2019年10月17日 · M650 Armored Personnel Carrier The M650 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC), commonly known as the Mastodon, is an armored personnel carrier of the United Nations Space Command, primarily utilized by the UNSC Army and colonial defense forces.
战场万金油:《光环》UNSC飞行载具综述(上) | 机核 GCORES
UNSC 陆军是 UNSC 武装力量的一个分支,主要负责陆基军事行动。 其一般从行星本地的驻防基地对本土目标发起打击,并负责进行控制 UNSC 旗下的领土,进行殖民地的巡逻等常规任务。 也有大量 UNSC 陆军在海军舰船上担任突击部队,承担类似 UNSC 海军陆战队(UNSC Marine Corps)的职能。 而 UNSC 空军一般的职责是行星大气层外及行星表面的空中防御战斗,负责行星轨道防御平台大型磁力加速炮(MAC)及其他航天器的发射、组装、维护与操作。 除此以 …
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