Arts and Education - The University of Auckland
Enrolment information for all Arts and Education programmes, including the BA and Fine Arts, Music, Teaching and Social Work. Discover our range of qualifications, including diplomas, bachelors degrees, masters and doctorates. Find out about scholarships, prizes and financial support for Arts and Education students.
Bachelor of Arts - The University of Auckland
Study society, people and culture and equip yourself for the changing future of work with a BA from New Zealand's internationally-ranked arts faculty.
Subjects and courses - The University of Auckland
Browse the list of subjects available in undergraduate programmes in the Faculty of Arts and Education. When applying for a Bachelor of Arts, you will choose two majors from a rich and …
University of Auckland - Arts Home
This course finder displays all undergraduate courses taught within the Faculty of Arts. To find the courses you can take which are taught by other faculties see our subjects and courses pages. For course timetables and room locations, see Student …
The Degree of Bachelor of Arts – BA - University of Auckland
Selection criteria are available from the Faculty of Arts. 1 A student enrolled for this degree must follow a programme of the equivalent of six full-time semesters and pass courses with a total value of 360 points, unless credit is granted under the …
The University of Auckland - Creative Arts and Industries
Specialist facilities at Creative Arts and Industries, the University of Auckland - YouTube
Regulations – Arts - The University of Auckland
Details of approved programmes of study offered by the Faculty of Arts.
Courses - Faculty of Arts - The University of Auckland
Approved University of Auckland courses for the Faculty of Arts.
University of the Arts London
UAL generates and inspires the creativity the world needs. Since 1842 our Colleges have been defining creative education. Our network influences learning, culture, industry and society on a global scale. We inspire new ways of thinking through research and innovation.
Arts (ARTS) Schedule - The University of Auckland
Courses in the Arts Schedule are available to students enrolled in these degrees: Please visit Course Outlines to find more details about the following courses. * Please refer to the General Education Regulations, notes (iv), (v) and (vii) in the University Calendar.