Facilities in the Sir Owen G Glenn Building - University of Auckland
Covering over 74,000 square metres, the Sir Owen G Glenn Building is New Zealand's largest teaching space and home to staff and students of the University of Auckland Business School. The Business School's award-winning Sir Owen G Glenn Building gives staff and students an integrated, purpose-built structure.
Sir Owen G Glenn Building - The University of Auckland
Designed by architect firms Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp and Archimedia, the Sir Owen G Glenn Building was completed in 2008 and has since won numerous awards, including an NZIA Auckland Architecture Award, and was shortlisted at the World Architecture Festival Awards.
Parking information - The University of Auckland
There are five levels of car parking (over 1,000 spaces) at the Owen G Glenn Building (OGGB). This is the main car park on the University of Auckland's City Campus. You can access the car park via Grafton Road, opposite Stanley Street.
Booking the Sir Owen G Glenn Building - uoa.custhelp.com
How can I book the Sir Owen G Glenn Business School Building ? Most rooms in the Business School can only be booked by staff - this includes case rooms, labs, lecture theatres, meeting rooms, seminar rooms and other special rooms.
Opening hours for the Owen G Glenn Building - uoa.custhelp.com
The Owen G Glenn Building is open from 7am - 6.30pm Monday to Friday, and computer labs are open until 9pm. An access card will allow you to access the building from Monday to Friday 6.30pm - 11.30pm, and from 6.30am - 11.30pm on weekends and public holidays.
教学楼分布 | UOA学生手册
作为商学院的教学楼,oggb是奥大的标志性建筑之一。 大一阶段的Lecture Room主要分布在0层,此外还有供同学们自习用的Lab,0层大厅还有许多沙发,桌椅和电脑供同学们交流和讨论问题(吃个便当也是可以哒)。
奥大停车攻略 | UOA学生手册
OGGB 有5层的地下停车场,这是奥大city校区最大的室内停车场,为学生和员工提供了1000+个停车位。 地址:12 Grafton Road, Auckland 开放时间:
自习场所 | UOA学生手册
3.OGGB大楼 . 这里是商科专业的大楼,有一些桌椅可以提供给学生们学习,不过在上学日人来人往可能会有点吵闹,比较适合小组讨论的同学们。 楼上是专门给研究生 (Postgraduate) 的同学们提供学习的地方,部分房间需要指定门卡才能进入。 4.工程学院楼
Venue | New Zealand Energy Conference
Located across the road from the Grafton Road entrance, the Sir Owen G Glenn Building (OGGB) has five levels of car parking (over 1,000 spaces) and is the main car park on The University of Auckland City Campus.
Campus maps - The University of Auckland
Find your way around our campuses, including buildings, rooms and parking. You can find your way around campus with the University's digital map. Locating buildings, rooms and getting from A to B is a breeze. If you're a student with us, you can check your class timetable too. For more information on how to use the map, please see Maps.
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