Barcode Lookup | UPC, EAN & ISBN Search
Use Barcode Lookup to search any UPC, EAN and ISBN code to find product information including images, pricing, reviews and places to purchase online.
UPC Lookup | UPCitemdb
With over 655 million unique UPC/EAN numbers, UPCitemdb.com is the largest UPC lookup database where you can search a broad range of UPC numbers to find related product information, images, barcodes, online shopping guide and more.
The Basics of UPC Codes - US Barcode Authority GS1 UPC
UPC barcodes (aka UPC Codes) are standardized global identifiers, which enable products to be sold, reordered and tracked through supply chains. Accurate product identification starts with the UPC barcode since it is the key to everything.
Go-UPC — The Global Barcode Database and API
Go-UPC is your gateway to the world's product data. With only a barcode, retrieve product info and photos for just about anything on earth. Our product database covers all industries, and with our API you can access over 1-billion unique items, spanning six continents.
UPC Barcode Search — Look up any UPC, EAN, or ISBN
Our barcode search engine gives you immediate access to data for products, books, and retail items from all over the globe. With more than 500-million products, you can look up product information for any UPC, EAN, or other barcode number instantly.
What is a UPC Code? - GS1 US
A UPC code, which stands for Universal Product Code, is a series of black lines that help identify a product. This symbol is encoded with a series of numbers known as the GTIN, which makes up a complete barcode. The UPC is scanned at the point of sale, along with these lines and digits.
Universal Product Code - Wikipedia
The Universal Product Code (UPC or UPC code) is a barcode symbology that is used worldwide for tracking trade items in stores.
UPC Database | Free information on thousands of products
Our database contains a mixture of barcode variations, including the standard UPC numbering system, the globally recognized EAN numbering system, and the Bookland system. We provide data including product names, pricing, quantities, and manufacturers.
UPC Index
UPCindex.com carries 663,504,510 UPC numbers along with product information, images, barcodes and online shopping guide. Free. Access the world's largest UPC database with Big Product Data API 888+ million UPC, GTIN, EAN, ISBN-13 and associated product data, 1.3+ million GCP licensees & GLN company info.
在线UPC条形码生成器 - ME2在线工具
在线UPC条码生成器,免费提供在线UPCA、UPCE条形码生成,主要应用于商品、快递、超市等产品条形码在线生成。 1、UPC条形码是美国较早大规模使用的一种条码,由美国统一代码委员会制定。 其是一种长度固定、连续性的条码,UPC码仅可用来表示数字,故其字码集0~9共10个数字。 2、UPC条形码,多在美国进口的商品上可以看到,故制造商需向UCC申请获得进入UPC系统的许可,才能在商品上印制得到授权的UPC条码。 3、UPC条形码,分为UPC-A、UPC-E两种 …