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UAF evolved from the Unified Profile for Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) and Ministry of Defence Architecture Framework (MODAF) (UPDM), version 2.1. UPDM is not a new architectural framework- it merges pre-existing concepts from DoDAF and MODAF into a combined metamodel.
2024年10月9日 · 基于《有人无人协同系统案例》,采用建模工具 EA 和建模语言 UPDM 进行建模。 1. 全局视点. 2. 能力视点. 3. 操作视点. 4. 服务视点. DODAF 是美国国防部定义的体系架构参考架构,目的是为有多个系统构成的体系建立一个内容参考框架,让架构设计者可以了解体系架构都有哪些视点、这些视点中有哪些模型,这些模型应该描述什么,模型之间存在什么跟踪关系。 描述体系结构的顶层内容,以便给出架构的目标、范围和背景。 描述了组织需要具有的能力。 描 …
UPDM provides a consistent, standardized means to describe DoDAF 1.5 and MODAF 1.2 architectures in SysML/UML-based tools as well as a standard for interchange. The concepts found in the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) such as parametrics, blocks, complex ports, enhanced activity modeling, and cross-cutting constructs
本节介绍了 UPDM, 并解释了可用于框架的支持及其使用的系统要求。 这些主题包含定义MDG 技术用于 UPDM 和Enterprise Architect 的正式文档。 使用 UPDM, 了解模型结构、 模板、 图表类型等。 了解如何为 UPDM 开发和配置模型验证。 欢迎使用Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect中的 UPDM 2.0 配置文件。 此UML 配置文件扩展了Enterprise Architect 的功能,以支持为 DoDAF 和 MODAF (UPDM)架构模型创建统一配置文件。
Using SysML in UPDM Projects - APAN Community
2017年12月14日 · For those unaware, the Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM) has two compliance levels, but only one – Level 1 (L1) – utilizes SysML. NAVAIR’s MBSE path forward relies heavily on SysML, so it would make the most sense to create your UPDM/DoDAF models using the L1 compliance level.
4.5.2 Model- Based System of Systems Engineering with UPDM
2014年11月4日 · UPDM provides a consistent, standardized means to describe DoDAF 1.5 and MODAF 1.2 architectures in SysML/UML-based tools as well as a standard for interchange. The concepts found in the Systems Modeling Language (SysML) such as parametrics, blocks, complex ports, enhanced activity modeling, and cross-cutting constructs improve the state of …
使用 UPDM | Enterprise Architect 用户指南
您可以在Enterprise Architect中执行 UPDM 建模,使用以下功能: 使用UPDM - UPDM是骨骼支撑框架(DoDAF)和骨骼支撑框架(MODAF)的统一配置文件。 UPDM 是一个物体管理组(OMG)倡议;该规范可从OMG网站获取。
Designing with the UPDM profiles - IBM
UPDM (United Profile for DoDAF and MODAF) brings together the two main architectural frameworks in use in the United States and Europe. UPDM captures an architecture that is defined in either framework using a common set of underlying elements and relationships. UPDM has two compliance levels, known as L0 and L1.
Welcome to the MDG Technology for UPDM - Enterprise Architect MDG Add-In, Version 1.0.3. This Add-in provides a UML profile that extends the capability of Enterprise Architect to enable creation of Unified Profile for DoDAF and MODAF (UPDM) architecture models.
DoDAF2.0与UAF1.0与UPDM与IBD与Rhapsody与MagicDraw …
2024年2月26日 · UPDM是一个 UML 配置文件(定制包),是针对DoDAF/MODAF 规范的统一配置文件 ,它提供了一种一致的、标准化的方法来描述基于 UML 的工具中的 DoDAF、MODAF 和 NAF 体系结构以及交换标准。 Rhapsody 的功能