UPN PROFILES - maiak-m.bg
Profile Dimensions, mm Weight Section area h b s t kg/m cm2 UPN 50 x 25 50 25 5 6 3,86 4,92 UPN 50 x 38 50 38 5 7 5,59 7,12 UPN 60 60 30 6 6 5,07 6,46 UPN 65 65 42 5,5 7,5 7,09 9,03 UPN 80 80 45 6 8 8,64 11,0 UPN 100 100 50 6 8,5 10,6 13,5 UPN 120 120 55 7 9 13,4 17,0 UPN 140 140 60 7 10 16,0 20,4 UPN 160 160 65 7,5 10,5 18,8 24,0 UPN 180 180 70 8 11 22,0 28,0 UPN 200 200 75 8,5 11,5 25,3 32,2 ...
UPN (UNP) European standard U channels, UPN steel profile ...
2018年5月25日 · Current table represents European standard U (UPN, UNP) channels, UPN steel profile (UPN beam), specifications, properties, dimensions. Manufactured according to standards :
UPN - European Standard Channels|Free AutoCAD Blocks - CAD …
Welcome to our UPN - European Standard Channels free CAD downloads page! Sort the table below according to any property and select a CAD file to download using the reference links in the left-most column.
UPN 300 | EN 10365:2017 | ArcelorMittal (2018) | Cross-Section
The stand - alone program SHAPE-MASSIVE determines section properties of any thick - walled cross - section and calculates the stresses. In addition, you can perform reinforced concrete …
Steel Channels: UPN/UPE (EN) & C/MC (AISC) • Projectmaterials
Explore steel channels for construction: European types (UPN/UPE), AISC types (C/MC), applications, selection criteria, dimensions & weights.
UPN/UNP en acier inox: dimensions fers U européens - Montanstahl
UPN ou UNP est le sigle utilisé pour les fers U normaux européens conformes à la norme EN 10365 et avec les tolérances conformes à la norme EN 10279: 2000. Les profils UPN en acier inoxydable sont utilisés tous les types d’applications industrielles, mais aussi dans la construction de machines et d’équipements.
upn 360 1600 upn 500 2600 upn 600 1500 upn 10004000 3500 10000 (1) unp 320 20000 (1) unp 400 40000 (1) upn 600 85000 (1) 1400 upn 500 1700 1400 2250 upn 600 1500 upn 1000 4000 upn 1000 3500 1000 2800 Ø220x8 2800 Ø300x10 4000 Ø406x12,7 8000 Ø500x15 16500 Ø610x17,5 25000 (1)
European Standard UPN U Channels | Section Sizes - Beam …
European Standard UPN U channels beam sizes and dimensions for the Steel library.
DIN 1026 - UPN Channels - Engineering ToolBox
Make advanced geometric constructions with multiple selections, multiple copies and the offset. Tip! - Use "Make Component" to save space and reduce computer load when working with multiple copies. size unit insert the Knife! cut! Before cut - customize the inserted Knife!
UPN channels & Stainless steel sections: dimensions - Montanstahl
UPN or UNP is the short form for standardized channel sections according to EN 10365 with tolerances according to EN 10279: 2000. UPN in stainless steel are used in all kind of industrial applications, machinery and equipment building.