Ups 727 - Airline Pilot Central Forums
2006年9月7日 · Ups 727. To what cities does UPS's 727 fly? Reply 08-26-2006, 08:59 AM #2 ...
UPS 727's - Airline Pilot Central Forums
2007年3月25日 · The 727 requires a three-person crew and can hold no more than eight cargo containers, making it the smallest plane in the company's fleet. The Airbus A300, another UPS workhorse, uses a two-person crew and can hold 24 containers, Giuffre said. "We can take that aircraft … and carry three times the amount of volume a 727 could.
Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go?
2007年2月28日 · Cargo - Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go? - Vito & Slice, I was on the 727 for 3 years. I bid reserve and got called in about 3 time a month. "Hello this is crew scheduling we've had a sick call and we need you to operate SDF/TYS layover and then operate back tomorrow." A long trip was Rockford, IL.
Upgrading aircraft at FedEx / UPS - Airline Pilot Central Forums
2006年8月17日 · Whatever is open when you are hired, based on seniority (the higher the last 4 digits of your SSN, the more senior you are within you class at FedEx). In my class of 30, they took 6 DC-10 SOs and 24 727 SOs. I was #7 in my class, #1 took 727, then next 6 took DC-10). I bypassed the 727 completely - except for myabe a half dozen jumpseat rides!
Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go? - Airline Pilot Central Forums
2018年6月29日 · Cargo - Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go? - Vito & Slice, I was on the 727 for 3 years. I bid reserve and got called in about 3 time a month. "Hello this is crew scheduling we've had a sick call and we need you to operate SDF/TYS layover and then operate back tomorrow." A long trip was Rockford, IL.
Airline Pilot Central Forums - Ups 727
2006年9月7日 · Ups 727 . To what cities does UPS's 727 fly? UPSFO4LIFE: 08-26-2006 07:59 AM: Here are some. YMX CID IAH ...
Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go?
2007年2月28日 · Cargo - Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go? - Whaddya all think? I am guessing the DC8 and/or 757. I am hoping not many senior to me go to ONT.
Airline Pilot Central Forums - Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go?
I was on the 727 for 3 years. I bid reserve and got called in about 3 time a month. "Hello this is crew scheduling we've had a sick call and we need you to operate SDF/TYS layover and then operate back tomorrow." A long trip was Rockford, IL. These guys and gals had it made!! It is unlike any other type of flying at Brown.
Airline Pilot Central Forums - Where will all the UPS 727 pilots go?
2007年2月28日 · The MD11 SDF lifestyle and schedules are horrific, with terrible lines, long trips well in excess of the 727 Captains normal 48 minute leg, bad catering, and questionable hotels in out of the way backwards international destinations. If I were one of the top 21 Captains, I'd go to the Scarebus or 757 MIA, or ANC on the 747-400 or MadDog.
UPS letter of Recommendation - Airline Pilot Central Forums
2006年11月13日 · Cargo - UPS letter of Recommendation - I need some advice from any crewmember from UPS. I am a Cap. on the 727 and I have 10000+ total time, 3000+ PIC, Check airman, FE ticket but no college degree. I have a friend in UPS management but I don't know any pilots there. Do you think my qualifications make me a good