Compendia - UPU
The 2023 edition of the Parcel Post Compendium Online is a web-based publication allowing easy editing and publication of postal service information. Designated operators can update their information in the compendium by means of an online questionnaire.
Universal Postal Union offers commemorative postmark …
2024年11月12日 · To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Universal Postal Union (UPU), from now until 8th April 2025, the UPU is offering a free cancellation service of the “150th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union” special edition commemorative postmark.
Acts of the Union and other decisions - UPU
This publication includes the provisions of the UPU Constitution and General Regulations together with the amendments made by the 2016 Istanbul Congress. It provides a historical overview of the UPU, the list of UPU member countries, the Additional Protocols, etc.
万国邮联150周年推出的与Postcrossing的联名活动 - ICY 明信片交 …
2024年7月9日 · 2024年是万国邮联(以下简称UPU)成立150周年,UPU为此和Postcrossing推出了联名极限片活动,具体可见UPU网站:https://www.upu.int/en/universal-postal-union/activities/philately-ircs/world-post-day-2024
150 година Свјетског поштанског савеза – Web portal Pošta Srpske
In 2024, the Universal Postal Union celebrates its 150th anniversary. The UPU’s theme for its 150th year – “150 years of enabling communication and empowering peoples across nations” – recognizes this accomplishment, and reinforces its commitment to serve all peoples for the decades and centuries to come.
This updated edition of the Convention Manual includes the provisions of the Universal Postal Convention as revised by the 2016 Istanbul Congress, the second Extraodinary Congress in 2018 and the third Extraordinary Congress in 2019, those
NEWS GOV-MO: Universal Postal Union offers commemorative …
2024年11月12日 · To celebrate the 150th anniversary of Universal Postal Union (UPU), from now until 8th April 2025, the UPU is offering a free cancellation service of the “150th Anniversary of Universal Postal Union” special edition commemorative postmark.
萬國郵政聯盟 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
萬國郵政聯盟 (法語: Union postale universelle;英語: Universal Postal Union; 縮寫: UPU), 簡稱 萬國郵聯,是 聯合國 協調 會員國 (英语:Member state) 之間 郵務 政策 的 專門機構,也是世界性的 郵政 國際組織,總部設於 瑞士 伯恩。 萬國郵聯每個 會員國 (英语:Member state) 均同意並接受在相同的條件下處理國際間的郵務、郵政職責。
Listed by Universal Postal Union Number - About.usps.com
International mail is mail that originates in the United States for delivery in a foreign country or mail that is addressed for delivery in the United States that originated in a foreign country. Member countries of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) have agreed to use certain documents in the processing and delivery of mail.
Books and Catalogs: UPU Specimen Stamps 1878-1961, Supplement – 2021
2021年12月25日 · UPU Specimen Stamps 1878-1961, Supplement – 2021, first edition, by James Bendon. 184 pages (xii + 144 + announcements), 8½ x 11 inches. Published by Oxford Book Projects, 2021. ISBN: 978 1 870696 06 7.
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