Introduction to Data Science (DATA7001) - University of Queensland
This course introduces the fundamental process of data science and provides the necessary computational and statistical foundations for further courses in the Master of Data Science. Design thinking methodology will be utilised to approach complex data science problems as a design problem.
DATA7001-22089-7520 - Course profiles - The University of Queensland
Completion of Queensland Year 12 or equivalent Mathematics B and aᅠ3-year undergraduate degree with a major in computer science, IT, statistics, mathematics, engineering, or a program with substantial quantitative competencies sufficient to allow timely completion of …
ECON7001-60677-7460 - Course profiles - The University of Queensland
This course covers important macroeconomic issues such as growth, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates, technological progress, and budget deficits.
ENVM7001-20668-7520 - Course profiles - The University of Queensland
International and national case studies of environmental issues relating to conservation biology, sustainable development, conservation and natural resource management and resource and environmental economics. The contribution of biophysical science, social science, economics and law to addressing environmental issues.
Foundations in Macroeconomics (ECON7001) - University of Queensland
This course covers important macroeconomic issues such as growth, inflation, unemployment, interest rates, exchange rates, technological progress, and budget deficits.
BIOC7001-22143-7520 - Course profiles - The University of Queensland
This course allows students to gain core molecular biological laboratory skills. This course focuses on techniques and protocols used in molecular biology providing an in-depth understanding of the principles behind them.
It is Figure: the R logo. stable, powerful, and widely used. An interpreter-based programming, graphics and statistics package. Free, stable, can be extended. Can easily perform standard statistical and numerical analysis. Can be programmed to handle non-standard cases.
ECON7001 Topic 1 GDP.pdf - Class recordings This session...
2023年3月3日 · View ECON7001 Topic 1 GDP.pdf from ECONOMIC ECON7001 at The University of Queensland. Class recordings This session will be recorded so it can be made available on Blackboard to all students enrolled
理学与数学 I 昆士兰大学中文官网 - University of Queensland
Foundations in Environmental Studies (ENVM7001) - University of Queensland
International and national case studies of environmental issues relating to conservation biology, sustainable development, conservation and natural resource management and resource and environmental economics. The contribution of biophysical science, social science, economics and law to addressing environmental issues.