Print, scan and copy - Library - The University of Queensland
UQ students, staff and visitors can print, scan and photocopy at the Library. When you have a print account, you can print to library printers from a UQ computer, or your laptop or mobile device. Set up your print account
Your printing account - Library - The University of Queensland
Access your print account with your UQ ID (e.g. s1234567) and password. Log in to your print account Guests can sign in using their print/copy account details.
Printing instructions - Library - The University of Queensland
Touch your Student ID or print/copy card to the card reader zone on the printer. This will open your printing account. Press the Print Release button on the printer menu.
Printer locations - Library - The University of Queensland
Most printers are located in library spaces. Some are in other areas at UQ and access to those buildings may be limited. St Lucia campus Architecture and Music Library (Building 51) Room 339, Architecture and Music Library. Biological Sciences Library (Building 94) Room 110, Level 1, Biological Sciences Library
Print from your mobile device - Library - The University of …
If you are using a desktop device, consider using Web Print. Connect to the UQ network on campus or via the UQ VPN when you’re off-campus. Log in to your PaperCut account.
Guest access and printing - Library - University of Queensland
Library guests must set up a guest account on the PaperCut system to use library printing. Printers also function as photocopiers and scanners. You must be on campus to access PaperCut and to add print credit to your account.
Logging in - Library - The University of Queensland
You can print documents. You have USB read and write access. Files saved to computers are deleted daily. You cannot access the Internet, other than selected educational resources. Visit Guest access and printing
Library and student IT help - The University of Queensland
Print, scan or copy in the Library. Check print prices, top up your print credit and more.
Photocopying - Library - The University of Queensland
Touch your UQ ID card or print/copy card to the card reader on the printer. Log in with your username and password if you don't have your card. Place the original on the printer:
Scan to email or USB - Library - The University of Queensland
Your scan will be delivered to your UQ email address. For guests this is your print/copy account email address