Proton (rocket family) - Wikipedia
Proton (Russian: Протон, formal designation: UR-500) is an expendable launch system used for both commercial and Russian government space launches. The first Proton rocket was …
UR500运载火箭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ur500运载火箭(俄语:УР500),即基础型质子号运载火箭(Протон),是苏联于1961年开始研制的大型运载火箭。 美国国防部对这种火箭的代号是“sl-9”,美国国会的谢尔顿命名法(用于 …
Universal Rocket - Wikipedia
The UR-500 was designed to be a very large ICBM, with the throw-weight necessary to deliver the 50-100 megaton Tsar Bomba-like warhead. [4] Under pressure from Khrushchev , the UR-500 …
UR-500 - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻 …
ur-500达到了其设计指标,苏联战略火箭军也对性能没有意见。然而,ur-500规模极大,难以使用地下井发射;一级捆绑贮箱结构复杂,不好维护。因此,战略火箭军最终并没有接受ur-500。 …
UR-500 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The original UR-500 two stage configuration was designed as a monster ICBM. It was flown four times from 1965, but never deployed as an operational missile. The design was succeeded by …
UR500运载火箭 - 百度百科
(俄语:УР500),即基础型质子号运载火箭(Протон),是苏联于1961年开始研制的大型运载火箭。美国国防部对这种火箭的代号是“sl-9”,美国国会的谢尔顿命名法(用于识别火箭的衍 …
Proton rocket family - RussianSpaceWeb.com
UR-500K/7K-L1: Circumlunar mission. In 1965, after barely reaching launch pad, UR-500 was tasked with launching two cosmonauts on a trip around the Moon aboard the L1 spacecraft. …
Proton | UR-500 | 8K82 | SL-9 - RussianSpaceWeb.com
No other launcher has played as many roles in the Russian space program as has the UR-500 rocket, known today as Proton. Conceived at the dawn of the space race as a "super-size" …
Initial UR-500 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
While Chelomei's OKB was still preparing the UR-200 draft project, it was proposed to use this as the basis for the UR-500 heavy universal rocket, with five times the payload capacity. These …
质子K - 卫星百科,很认真的中文航天百科 - 灰机wiki - 北京嘉闻杰 …
质子K(Proton-K)是一种源自UR-500的运载火箭。 基础构型的质子K是一款三级火箭,共发射30枚,有效载荷包括苏联的所有礼炮空间站、除美国太空运输系统携带的对接舱外,所有和平 …