Soil urease activity and bacterial ureC gene copy ... - ScienceDirect
2017年1月1日 · We measured higher urea hydrolysis rates and gene copy numbers in A-horizon soils than in B-horizon soils, and found that urea hydrolysis rate was significantly correlated with gene copies of bacterial 16S, ureC, and increased pH. This suggests that liming acid soils increases urea hydrolysis rates in part by encouraging the growth of ...
Urease inhibitors increased soil ureC gene abundance and …
2023年2月1日 · Our results suggest that after the addition of urease inhibitors decreased extracellular urease activity and had a positive feedback effect on soil microbes, leading to significantly increased abundances of microbial genes, especially ureC, and resulting in increased intracellular urease reserves.
Archaeal amoA and ureC genes and their transcriptional ... - Nature
2014年4月11日 · Thaumarchaeota and the gene encoding for a subunit of ammonia monooxygenase (amoA) are ubiquitous in Polar Seas and some Thaumarchaeota also have a gene coding for ureC, diagnostic for...
Nitrogen transformation genes and ammonia emission from soil …
2022年9月1日 · Prokaryotic urease is composed of three catalytic subunits (ureA, ureB and ureC); however, the ureC gene is widely used as a functional gene marker to detect ureolytic prokaryotes and urea hydrolysis in soils (Oshiki et al., 2018). The oxidation of ammonia N to NO3- (nitrification process) is the preferred pathway for reducing NH 3.
Nitrogen and phosphorous acquisition strategies drive coexistence ...
2023年8月18日 · The ureC gene was present in all Nitrososphaerales lineages. We further detected urea transporter genes ( ut ) in all Nitrososphaerales families, except NS-delta, despite the presence of urease...
土壤脲酶活性和细菌 ureC 基因拷贝数:pH 的影响,Geoderma - X …
2017年1月1日 · 农学研究侧重于尿素水解与土壤物理或化学特性之间的关系,而不是直接测量微生物群落及其种群多样性,尤其是使用编码脲酶的基因的量化。我们量化了细菌和古菌 16S rRNA、真菌 ITS 和细菌 ureC 基因拷贝作为物理和化学土壤特性的函数。
Phylogenetically diverse ureC genes and their expression ... - PubMed
2013年5月31日 · This study is the first assessment of the role of sponge bacterial symbionts in the regenerated utilization of urea by the detection of transcriptional activity of ureC gene, as well as the phylogenetic diversity of ureC gene of sponge bacterial symbionts.
Urease-encoding genes in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria
The ureC gene encodes the alpha subunit protein containing the active site and conserved nickel binding ligands; these conserved regions were suitable primer targets for obtaining further ureC sequences from additional AOB.
Effect of Biochar on Urea Hydrolysis Rate and Soil ureC Gene …
2021年8月25日 · Biochar soil incorporation enhanced the ureC gene copies, and consequently increased the UHR by 39.49% (BC300) and 39.86% (BC600). Biochar addition also accelerated the gross organic N mineralization and NH 4+ -N immobilization rates, which proved that biochar stimulated ureolytic microorganism abundance in response to urea hydrolysis.
Urease inhibitors increased soil intracellular urease activity while ...
2025年2月1日 · The ureC gene, which encodes the largest alpha unit of the urease protein structure (Mobley et al., 1995), occupies the nickel binding site and contains a multistage protective sequence.