US ITER | ORNL - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
The US is among seven partner nations in ITER, an unprecedented international collaboration of scientists and engineers working to design, construct, and assemble a reactor-scale burning plasma experiment that can demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of …
US ITER – US ITER is a DOE Office of Science project managed by …
2025年3月10日 · The United States is a partner nation in ITER, an unprecedented international collaboration of scientists and engineers working to design, construct, and assemble a burning plasma experiment that can demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion.
us iter ITER will demonstrate the production and control of a sustained fusion power source for hundreds of seconds at power-plant relevant scale. Public and private fusion sectors agree that this is an essential step to establish the scientific basis for practical fusion energy and the development of first-of-a-kind fusion technologies.
The ITER international experiment is the largest single investment by DOE FES, and construction is 75.3% complete to first plasma. Your input is critical as we define how the U.S. will best utilize ITER! All members of the US fusion community, from students to senior scientists and engineers, are invited to join this important (virtual) workshop.
News – US ITER
2025年1月13日 · Standing on its bespoke platform, the massive, tower-like structure being assembled in the ITER Assembly Hall now reaches approximately two-thirds of its final height. Manufactured and delivered by the United States, the central solenoid modules are made by General Atomics near San Diego. Two more […]
All elements of central solenoid structure now at ITER
6 天之前 · The United States Domestic Agency, US ITER, has completed delivery of all components for the support structure of the central solenoid—the 60-foot-tall superconducting magnet that is the “heart” of the ITER machine. Comprised of more than 9,000 individual parts, the support structure was manufactured by eight US suppliers across six states.
Last delivery of central solenoid structure arrives at ITER
4 天之前 · US ITER has completed delivery of all components for the support structure of the central solenoid, the 60-foot-tall superconducting magnet that is the heart of the ITER fusion machine. Comprised of more than 9,000 individual parts, the support structure was manufactured by eight U.S. suppliers across six states.
US ITER Value ITER will deliver fundamental science and the necessary physics understanding of a self-sustained fusion power source (a “burning plasma”). The industrial-scale experimental facility is already driving development of fusion technologies, including first-of-a-kind and next-generation components and systems.
ITER | Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
PPPL is a partner laboratory in US ITER, which is managed by Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) with PPPL and Savannah River National Laboratory. With contributions from universities and industry, US ITER is delivering hardware design and manufacturing for 12 essential ITER systems. The completed diagnostics will probe the plasma, an electrically
Final component for central solenoid support structure delivered to ITER
4 天之前 · It is composed of a stack of six individual magnet modules, each weighing 121 tonnes. “The first role of the structure is to hold the six central solenoid modules in position within strict tolerances measured in millimetres,” said Kevin Freudenberg, US ITER’s Engineering Technical Director. “Then the real challenge occurs during operation.