Kamov Ka-27 - Wikipedia
The Kamov Ka-27 (NATO reporting name ' Helix') is a military helicopter developed for the Soviet Navy, and as of 2024 is in service in various countries including Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, China, South Korea, and India. Variants include the Ka-29 assault transport, the Ka-28 downgraded export version, and the Ka-32 for civilian use.
Ka-27/28 and Ka-29 Helix Multirole Naval Helicopter
2001年9月4日 · The Ka-27 and Ka-28 are naval anti-submarine helicopters and the Ka-29 is a naval combat and transport helicopter, designed and manufactured by the Kamov Design Bureau in Russia. The helicopters are known in the West by the Nato reporting name Helix.
Kamov ka-27 Helix - Helis.com
Designed to replace the Ka-25 Hormone as ship on-board helicopter of the Soviet Navy. Compared to the Ka-25 it has more powerful engines, a bit longer fuselage and a redesigned tail. First flew on December 24, 1973 but entered service around 1980. The Ka-27 come in four main versions, known as Ka-27, 28, 29, and 32.
如何评价卡-27直升机(苏联研制的一型军用直升机)? - 知乎
2023年12月25日 · 卡-27直升机诞生于20世纪70年代,是苏联卡莫夫设计局为苏联海军研制的反潜直升机。 它采用了独特的共轴反转旋翼布局,取消了尾桨,具有出色的机动性和稳定性,非常适合在海上恶劣环境中使用。 卡-27的研制过程并不一帆风顺,最初的样机存在稳定性问题,但卡莫夫设计局的工程师们经过不断改进,最终完善了设计,并逐步扩展了卡-27的功能。 如今,卡-27已经衍生出多种型号,在全球范围内广泛应用。 卡-27的核心任务是反潜作战,但它也具有很强的 …
Kamov Ka-27 (Helix) - Military Equipment Guide With Photos
The Kamov Ka-27 Helix naval helicopter was developed as a direct successor to the aging Kamov Ka-25 family in service with the Soviet Navy - both were primarily used to fulfill an anti-ship (AS) role, but were eventually used in Expanded to perform other duties as needed, including Search and Rescue (SAR), Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW), and gener...
Kamov Ka - 27 | PDF | Military Aircraft | Aircraft Configurations
The document provides details about the Kamov Ka-27, Ka-28, and Ka-32 helicopters, including their origins in Russia, powerplants, performance specifications, dimensions, roles, operators, and history.
Камов Ка-27 (Ка-28) — Википедија
Камов Ка-27 (НАТО класификација Helix) је противподморнички и вишенаменски палубни хеликоптер произведен у Совјетском Савезу. Развијен је како би заменио старији тип хеликоптера Камов Ка-25 у оперативној употреби.
Kamov Ka-27 (Ka-28) — Википедија
Kamov Ka-27 (NATO klasifikacija Helix) je protivpodmornički i višenamenski palubni helikopter proizveden u Sovjetskom Savezu. Razvijen je kako bi zamenio stariji tip helikoptera Kamov Ka-25 u operativnoj upotrebi.
Russian Ka-27 Helix, HobbyBoss 81739 (2014) - Scalemates
Note: Prices and availability are indications only. Also check if the product actually matches!
Russian Helicopters delivers Ka-27M helicopters to Russian Navy
2018年1月17日 · Ka-27-type helicopters have been designed to carry out anti-submarine warfare missions for the navy and can be integrated on-board a wide range of naval vessels, including aircraft carriers. The Russian Naval Aviation’s helicopter fleet includes several Ka-27 multipurpose helicopters featuring various modifications.