Northrop F-20 Tigershark - Wikipedia
The Northrop F-20 Tigershark (initially F-5G) is a prototype light fighter, designed and built by Northrop. Its development began in 1975 as a further evolution of Northrop's F-5E Tiger II, featuring a new engine that greatly improved overall performance, and a modern avionics suite including a powerful and flexible radar.
F-20虎鲨战斗机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
F-20“虎鯊” (英語: F-20 Tigershark)戰鬥機是 美國 諾斯洛普飛機公司 以非常暢銷的輕型戰鬥機 F-5E 為藍本的改良設計,試圖奪取國際輕型戰鬥機的市場。 相較於當時美軍戰機,F-20藉由積體電路、微電腦技術等優勢,讓這架輕戰機具備大部分戰鬥攻擊機可執行的作戰任務;包括 視距外作戰 、對地攻擊等,而且比 F-16戰鬥機 還要便宜。 但是在雷根政府的軍售政策改變下,美國不希望出現同級商品在外銷場合互相廝殺的狀況;這斷絕了F-20的生機,但是美國允許諾斯洛普移植 …
F-20战斗机 - 百度百科
F-20战斗机(英文:F-20 Tigershark,绰号译文:虎鲨),是美国一型单座单发后掠翼超音速喷气式战斗机。 F-20战斗机是美国诺斯罗普公司F-5家族最后一个战斗机,旨在出口销售。
What Might Have Been: F-20 Tigershark | Defense Media Network
2014年8月29日 · With a General Electric F404-GE-100 turbofan engine rated at 17,000 pounds of thrust, the F-20A was 40 percent more powerful than the twin-engined F-5E Tiger II that preceded it. Northrop said the F-20A would have a low price tag, operate from short runways, and outfight the Soviet Union’s best.
2020年10月10日 · F-20“虎鲨”1970年开始研制,主要定位用于出口替换F-5这类早期二代机,和F-5相比最大的区别双发变单发。 采用一台F404-GE-100涡扇发动机,推力比F-5E两台J85相加还多60%,推重比1.13赋予该机2马赫飞行能力。 雷达也换装为AN/APG-67,除对空和对地模式增强外,更重要的是赋予了F-20发射中程雷达制导空空导弹能力,一步迈入超视距作战机型行列。 F-20“虎鲨”战斗机,可以携带AIM-9“响尾蛇”近距格斗弹,以及AIM-7“麻雀”中距导弹,还能携 …
被遗忘的“穷国之鹰”F-20战斗机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
f-20“虎鲨”战斗机是一型单座双发后掠翼亚音速喷气式战斗机。 机长:14.2米,翼展:8.1米,高度:4.2米.最大飞行重量:11920—12473千克之间,作战半径:850千米。
The story of the F-20 Tigershark (including pilot interview)
2023年10月3日 · The F-20 was the ultimate US F-5 derivative. However unlike the twin-engined Tiger II and Freedom Fighter, the F-20 was powered by a single engine. It was intended to serve the needs of US client nations not cleared for fighters as advanced as the F-16.
F-20 Tigershark - GlobalSecurity.org
Northrop developed the F-20 Tigershark in response to a US Government call for the private development of a tactical fighter specifically tailored to meet the security needs of allied and...
Northrop F-20 Tigershark - Military Factory
2019年8月16日 · The Northrop F-20 Tigershark was a further evolution of the F-5 Tiger II line, specifically the F-5E model series. The F-20 emerged from a program in 1975 as part of a United States Air Force's (USAF) endeavor known as "FX". The aircraft was initially born as the "F-5G" of the Tiger II line and gradually evolved to become its own design.
F-20 Tigershark: A Fighter Jet Ahead of Its Time, But Forgotten
2024年12月18日 · Northrop F-20 (S/N 82-0062) in flight. (U.S. Air Force photo) Key Points: The F-20 Tigershark, a promising Cold War-era fighter jet by Northrop, was designed for speed, agility, and export market appeal. -Featuring advanced avionics, MACH 2.1 speed, and cutting-edge missile capabilities, it seemed poised for success.
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