JOINT PLANNING PROCESS (JPP) The JPP is the method that guides the planning of joint campaigns and operations. Joint Publication (JP) 5-0, Joint Planning, details the JPP, used by a joint force headquarters (HQ) staff, to create or support strategic and theater-level objectives through joint operations.
It sets forth joint doctrine to govern the activities and performance of the Armed Forces of the United States in joint operations and provides the doctrinal basis for interagency coordination and for US military involvement in multinational operations.
Joint Planning Process (JPP) - The Lightning Press SMARTbooks
JPP provides a proven process to organize the work of the commander, staff, subordinate commanders, and other partners, to develop plans that will appropriately address the problem to be solved. It focuses on defining the military mission and development and synchronization of detailed plans to accomplish that mission.
Joint Chiefs of Staff > Doctrine > Joint Doctrine Pubs > 5-0 …
It provides the doctrinal foundation and fundamental principles that guide the Armed Forces of the United States in planning joint campaigns and operations. A full list of joint doctrine publications may be found on JEL+. (CAC required)
The Air Force Planning Process (AFPP) provides a scalable, problem-solving framework for USAF commanders to address Service-specific challenges and prepare for joint operations. The AFPP complements both the joint planning process …
Joint Doctrine Publications
Joint doctrine presents fundamental principles that guide the employment of US military forces in coordinated and integrated action toward a common objective. It promotes a common perspective from which to plan, train, and conduct military operations. It represents what is taught, believed, and advocated as to what is right (i.e., what works best).
U.S. Air Force Doctrine > Home
NATO Standardization Office (NSO) - Public DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms USSF Delta 10-Doctrine and Wargaming Army Doctrine Navy Doctrine Marine Corps Doctrine Coast Guard Doctrine Joint Lessons Learned Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education DAFPD 10-13 - Air Force Doctrine AFI 10-1301 - Air Force ...
Joint Strategic Campaign Plan (JSCP). The JSCP provides military strategic and operational guidance to CCDRs, Service Chiefs, CSAs, and applicable DOD agencies for preparation of plans based on current military capabilities.
Joint Operation Planning Process for Air (JOPPA) - The Lightning …
The JFACC is responsible for planning joint air operations and uses the joint operation planning process for air (JOPPA) to develop a JAOP that guides employment of the air capabilities and forces made available to accomplish missions assigned by the JFC. Planning for joint air operations begins with understanding the JFC’s mission and intent.
While certain USAF assignments or career fields may require familiarity with formal military planning, many USAF O-4s remain relatively underexposed to the JPPA and the Joint Planning Process (JPP) on which it rests. Although the MDMP and MCPP differ from the JPPA, they serve to familiarize USA and USMC officers with a formal planning process.