AFPC Secure has been replaced, You are now being redirected to …
AFPC Secure has been replaced, You are now being redirected to Okta. Please use this URL to access OKTA directly https://af.okta.mil: Click here to continue to OKTA
AF Portal: Login Page
Why am I seeing a "Security Alert" dialog box when I connect to the AF Portal? Account Registration; How do I register for an AF portal account? Log in with your user name and password before you register a new CAC. Can retirees and dependents register? Can Foreign Affiliates/Nationals register? Where can I find a copy of the AF Portal Form 41?
RETIREMENT - Air Force's Personnel Center
Option 1 - Upon your DD Form 214 being made official, you will receive an email on how you will be able to download the form via "vMPF" (link above and access/download DD Form 214 with a USERID/PASSWORD).
AF Portal: Login Page - Air Force Portal
To register for an Air Force Portal account, you must be a U.S. Military member, U.S. Government Civilian, Allied Forces member, or contractor supporting USAF efforts, who has been issued a government issued Common Access Card (CAC) or vendor approved External Certificate Authority (ECA).
2020年7月28日 · 1. Log in to the AF Portal. 2. Hover over Career & Training, then select vMPF (or search and select vMPF). Select vMPF from the AFPC Secure Apps menu. You can also reach vMPF via the Secure Applications on myPers. 3. Click OK and verify your email address and phone number to log in. 4. Click Career Data Brief listed under Most Popular ...
Individual deployment information now visible on vMPF > Air Force ...
2008年5月12日 · RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Air Force Personnel Center officials here have taken another step to support Airmen and ensure all members know their air expeditionary force deployment status. Airmen can now access this information through the center's virtual military personnel flight, or vMPF.
Submitting Requests for Military Personnel Data Updates and …
2017年9月22日 · Contact information may be updated through the vMPF using 'Access AFPC Secure Apps - vMPF (CAC Only)' link below under 'Tools.' These types of updates include home and mailing address, phone numbers, and email address, but only with CAC access.
2020年7月22日 · 1. Log in to the AF Portal. 2. Hover over Career & Training, then select vMPF (or search and select vMPF). You may also get to vMPF via myPers; select Access Secure Apps from the I Would Like To … menu. 3. Click OK to continue and verify your email address and phone number to log in. 4. Click Self-Service Actions (left-hand navigation menu). 5.
Individual AEF information now visible on vMPF > Air Force's …
2008年5月12日 · Upon login to vMPF, Airmen can view the initial page that shows a box containing their AEF deployment status. This includes their AEF indicator, rotation period and the date their commander assigned them to a specific AEF.