USB-4432 - NI - National Instruments
The USB-4432 is designed for sound and vibration measurements. Four of the input channels incorporate integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) signal conditioning for accelerometers and microphones and built-in antialiasing filters that automatically adjust to your sampling rate.
NI USB-443x Specifications This document lists specifications for the NI USB-443 x devices. The specifications apply to both the NI USB-4431 and NI USB-4432 unless otherwise noted. These specifications are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise stated. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit ni.com/
DAQ: NI USB-4432 | Real Vibrations - NiPS) Lab
The USB-4432 delivers 101 dB of dynamic range and incorporates software-selectable IEPE (2.1 mA constant current) signal conditioning for accelerometers and microphones. The five channels simultaneously acquire at rates from 1 to 102.4 kS/s.
USB-4432 NI DSA Devices | In Stock Ships Today! - Apex Waves
The USB-4432 by National Instruments is In Stock & Ready to Ship at Apex Waves. The NI USB-4432 has Free Ground Shipping and a 1-3 Year Warranty, depending on New, Reconditioned, Used, or Repair status.
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Product Documentation - NI - National Instruments
Provides support for Ethernet, GPIB, serial, USB, and other types of instruments. NI-488.2. Provides support for NI GPIB controllers and NI embedded controllers with GPIB ports.
780421-01 NI / EMERSON, Sound and Vibration Module, USB-4432…
The USB-4432 is designed for sound and vibration measurements. Four of the input channels incorporate integrated electronic piezoelectric (IEPE) signal conditioning for accelerometers and microphones and built-in antialiasing filters that automatically adjust to your sampling rate.
NI USB-4431 和 USB-4432 技术参数更新以及模拟输出的性能问题 …
这篇知识库文档是对National Instruments USB-4432 和 USB-4432动态数据采集设备(DSA)的技术参数更新以及驱动升级的概括说明。
National Instruments USB-4432 - Apollo Measurements
The USB-4432 features 5 differential analog input channels and boasts a 24-bit resolution. With a dynamic range of 100 dB, it can handle a voltage range from -40V to +40V. This versatile part number 780421-01 is designed for high-performance data acquisition applications.
NI USB4432开发的振动测试分析系统 - LabVIEW论坛 - 电子技术论 …
2013年5月17日 · 采用ni公司usb-4432模块,五通道,正负40伏电压输入,usb供电,即插即用,可以直接接涡流传感器、速度传感器、iepe、光电传感器等各类传感器,包含旋转机械振动瞬态分析、稳态分析功能,广泛应用于电力、石化、冶金、航空等领域。
The NI USB-4432 is a five-channel dynamic signal acquisition module for making high-accuracy measurements from IEPE sensors. The USB-4432 delivers 101 dB of dynamic range and incorporates software-selectable IEPE (2.1 mA constant current) signal conditioning for accelerometers and microphones.