ELI5: LSB and USB. What are they exactly and when do I use them?
digital modes are always done USB. the reason for this is that in the early days of SSB, the SSB exciters were simpler to build if they had one original internal carrier frequency, and then used a mixer to translate to the various bands. after the mixer, if the signal is translated down, it ends up in LSB, if the signal is translated up, it's ...
HF USB vs. LSB : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2020年4月16日 · For SSB on bands below 9 MHz use LSB. For bands above 9 MHz use USB. Back in the day SSB rigs used a 9 MHz IF system, and it was easier and cheaper to generate LSB below 9 MHz and USB above 9 MHz. With most designs these days, USB and LSB are equally easy to use, but we keep to the old convention.
LSB Vs USB : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2014年11月7日 · And throwing away the frequencies above the carrier, leaving the lower sideband, gives your LSB signal. When your radio is showing you a frequency, it's showing the frequency where the carrier would have been. If you are at the bottom of the band, and on USB, all of your energy should be above the indicated frequency, and thus in-band.
LSB vs USB - Distinction? : r/HamRadio - Reddit
2016年8月10日 · This is a great explanation of where sidebands come from (if you are a math geek, you may also appreciate this too), and I'll just add one additional detail -- which may be obvious to some, but wasn't initially to me, back when I first learned about it -- which is that the kind of sidebands used in SSB transmission come only from using AM as …
I need someone to explain the difference between AM, FM, SSB, …
2018年1月4日 · as mentioned above AM compatible USB and LSB can be used to communicate with stations using older AM equipment. FM is used for FM broadcasting and for other vhf/uhf communication. for broadcasting, the deviation is +/-75 khz (150khz total width), and for communications systems, the deviation is about 2.5khz.
FT8 on WSJT-X - USB vs USB-data mode - what's up with the
Instructions for WSJT-X say to use the USB Data mode. My Icom 7100 shows USB or USB-D (data) as options. It all works fine in "USB" mode, as I set the input for the "DATA OFF MODE" to be USB. "DATA MOD" is also set to USB, but you can see the big difference in how it shows up.
Should RTTY be LSB or USB or something else? : r/amateurradio
2020年8月8日 · USB = Upper Sideband, one of the two "Single Sideband" modulations LSB = Lower Sideband, the other of the two "Single Sideband" modulations SSB = Single Sideband modulation. See the wiki: What is Single Sideband? fldigi = software used to send digital signals over radio by interfacing a radio with a computer sound card
LSB/USB use : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2018年7月17日 · Above 10mhz it is best to use USB and below it is best to use LSB. Digital modes are USB on all bands. I don't know the full history, but from some reading it sounds like it was originally equipment limitations and the practice has carried over to now.
LSB/USB Confusion : r/amateurradio - Reddit
2021年2月20日 · Can I listen to LSB if my radio is set to USB? I understand the difference between LSB and USB, but I was wondering if I had my radio set incorrectly, could I still make out the signal. So, for example, if my radio was set to USB, and I was tuned in to 2997, could I hear someone using LSB tuned into 3000? (That is the right width, right?)
Why have USB or LSB. Why not just have one SB and tune …
2015年8月17日 · Linear transverters are typically inverted in satellites (tx on USB, Rx on lsb) and I assume that's by design to keep the parts count low. Other than that, it's just a convention. Everything I can think of outside the ham bands on hf is USB. You'll hear stations on 40m phone using USB occasionally for instance and there's nothing wrong with it.