1. COVID-19 Dashboard - Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19 ...


    The COVID-19 monitor is a dashboard that reflects details about current conditions on the Columbia campus. The dashboard will be updated with the latest information on Tuesdays and Fridays. University leadership uses this information to determine the campus alert level.

  2. COVID | Residential Education at USC


    COVID - Welcome from USC ResEd & Housing! As we grow closer to the start of the fall semester, we want to be fully transparent about how the evolving COVID-19 pandemic will impact your living experience in USC Housing and on-campus.

  3. USC's athletic department reports one new positive COVID ...


    One USC student-athlete tested positive for COVID-19 out of 238 tests administered this past week, the university's athletic department announced Friday. The Trojans recently began testing ...

  4. USC announces 104 new COVID cases, mostly attributed to ...


    Coronavirus California USC announces 104 new COVID cases, mostly attributed to student gatherings at off-campus housing The university has identified one outbreak originating with a study group,...

  5. USC says 'alarming increase' in coronavirus cases, more ...


    USC Student Health saw "an alarming increase in the number of COVID-19 cases" among students in the University Park Campus community just one week into the fall semester, the school announced in a...

  6. USC has 501 active COVID cases, 8 Greek houses exit quarantine


    USC has 501 active COVID cases, 8 Greek houses exit quarantine According to the most recent update, there are 501 active cases. 491 of these cases are students and 10 are staff. Author: WLTX

  7. Federal 'surge' team coming to Columbia for COVID testing ...


    USC has among the most COVID-19 cases of any college campus in the country. The state's flagship college reported its lab has diagnosed 1,904 students and employees since Aug. 1.

  8. USC supports students with learning differences impacted ...


    She met with a student with severe social anxiety a few weeks before COVID-19 prompted USC to go virtual in mid-March. Because of her trouble speaking up in groups, the student was concerned about ...

  9. New center headquartered at USC Dornsife studies COVID-19 ...


    The USC Center for the Changing Family (CCF), headquartered at USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, recently awarded 14 small grants to fund projects studying how the COVID-19 pandemic has shaped family life. Trouble brewing at Latino-owned coffee shops? The COVID-19 pandemic is rattling minority-owned small businesses.