Login - University of Southern California
This site allows online submission and review of Institutional Review Board (IRB) research proposals and applications. iStar enables the monitoring of information flow and the associated activities and tasks for all participants in the IRB regulatory process, delivering a complete electronic document based solution for Human Trials Regulation.
IRB - University of Southern California
IRB Review: How to Learn the basics of the IRB review and approval process. Forms and Templates Protocol, consent and authorization forms and templates. IRB Submission Guidelines Basic submission guidelines to facilitate protocol submissions. Levels of IRB Review Information on what requires IRB review. Not Human Subjects Research (NHSR)
Forms and Templates - University of Southern California
The IRB accepts all industry sponsored consent forms with minimal change in content. Consent forms provided by an industry sponsor, cooperative group, or external IRB need to be modified only to include the addition of USC specific requirements, such as local contact information, cost/injury, payment language and removal of HIPAA.
Human Research Protection Program
2024年12月13日 · HRPP, which is a Division within the Office of Research and Innovation, provides the campus and the four USC Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) with professional guidance and administrative support and oversight.
USC and CHLA IRBs. The iStar system is a web-based application created to standardize and computerize the application submission, routing, and tracking of research
1: IRB - Navigating The Dissertation
Most dissertations and capstones need to go through the IRB process to determine if the study rises to the level of research on human subjects that requires IRB oversight. But before completing the application, you will need to complete an orientation to the purpose and requirements of the IRB, located in the CITI training.
Applications – Research Technology Services - University of …
The iStar IRB system has been mandatory at USC and CHLA since 2005. All human subjects research at USC is required to use the IRB system to obtain approval and to manage ongoing regulatory requirements.
Guide To Clinical Research at USC - SC CTSI
The IRB Submission Tracking and Review System, called iStar, is the online IRB application system used at USC. All IRB-related correspondence and documentation must be submitted through iStar. An iStar training site, FAQs, how to create an iStar account and other information may be found here.
IRB Submission Guidelines - University of Southern California
Use the external IRB-approved consent template to create the USC consent by adding the USC PI contact information and required USC language using tracked changes. The USC required language is found on the “ Informed Consent Form Instructions for Industry Sponsored, Cooperative Group, or External IRB Studies ” on the IRB Forms and Templates ...
IRB Advisement and Support – USC Rossier Students
In an effort to support the continuous needs of advanced EdD students, one of the services provided by USC is Institutional Review Board (IRB) advising and support. Therefore, because the vast majority of EdD students will be required to obtain IRB approval in order to complete their research study, we have streamlined the process to meet your ...