Human Research Protection Program
2024年12月13日 · The HRPP in partnership with the research community, is responsible for ensuring the safety and welfare of participants in Human Subjects Research conducted under the aegis of USC. HRPP, which is a Division within the Office of Research and Innovation, provides the campus and the four USC Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) with professional ...
Office of the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS)
Office of the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) https://hrpp.usc.edu/ CUB 325, MC 0706. Main Phone: 821-1154 Main Fax: 740-9299. Executive Director Rose, Susan L. 821-1154: Program Director Hagemann, Jennifer: 821-4218: Program Administrator Aburto, Monica: 821-1154: IRB Student Mentor:
Complaints, Concerns and Report of Misconduct - University of …
Anyone who has knowledge or a good faith belief that an applicable law, regulation, or university policy has been violated should report such information through the USC Report and Response website or by calling 213-740-2500 or 800-348-7454 (toll-free). This number is staffed by live operators 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Education & Certification - University of Southern California
For an application to be approved by the USC IRB, all study personnel must complete Human Subjects (HS) research training. Additional training may be required based on study specific factors. The online course used (unless otherwise stated) is provided by the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) at CITI Program .
Paid Subject Pool - Department of Psychology
The USC Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) exist to protect research participants, https://oprs.usc.edu. Every research study in which you participate in the psychology department has been reviewed by the USC IRB for ethical and safety concerns.
Resources - The Longo Lab - gero.usc.edu
USC OPRS – Clinical Trial Start-up Guide. Aging.
Participating in Research at USC - Department of Psychology
The USC Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) and Institutional Review Board (IRB) exist to protect research participants, https://oprs.usc.edu/. Every research study in which you participate in the psychology department has been reviewed by the USC IRB for ethical and safety concerns.
Obtaining an iStar Account - University of Southern California
For more information about GCP training requirements at USC, please visit the OPRS website. You can complete CITI training before obtaining an iStar account. The CITI and iStar systems operate independently of one another. Any CITI questions, please contact the USC CITI Help Desk at (213) 821-2074 or email [email protected].
CITI FAQs - University of Southern California
How do I register for a CITI account and access trainings? For the trainings, please make sure you are registered with a free CITI account that is affiliated with USC. In order to avoid the paywall, go to www.citiprogram.org and click ‘Register’ in the far right-hand side.
1: IRB - Navigating The Dissertation
Most dissertations and capstones need to go through the IRB process to determine if the study rises to the level of research on human subjects that requires IRB oversight. But before …