Rush in - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
1. to run or hurry into a thing or a place. Everyone rushed into the shelter when the rain started. They all rushed in at once. 2. to begin doing something without the proper preparation. Don't …
rush in和rush into 有什么区别?用法有什么不同,造句该如何造,还有rush …
2015年3月9日 · rush into 一拥而上;冲进;投到;推行 He would rush into the house and hide under a bed or in a clothes closet. 他会冲进房子,躲在床上或在衣服壁橱里。 rush out 仓促地 …
摄影必修课:合适的才是最好的,UHS-Ⅰ和UHS-Ⅱ SD存储卡,到 …
UHS-Ⅰ/UHS-Ⅱ区别就是在于总线速度,UHS-Ⅰ具备104MB/s的接口速度,而UHS-Ⅱ更具备312MB/s的接口速度,相比UHS-Ⅰ提升了3倍之多。 但是并不是所有的相机都支持UHS-Ⅱ标 …
RUSH IN - WordReference.com 英汉词典
Isabella was running around in a rush trying to get everything ready. Ava was in a rush to get to work on time. 有所遗漏? 报告错误或提出改进建议. 同义词: take chances, act precipitately, …
rush in是什么意思_rush in的翻译_音标_读音_用法_例句_爱词霸在 …
Act wise and achieve victory or rush in and suffer defeat. 法明智和取得胜利或冲过去败北. So if you're single, don't rush in to marriage. 所以如果你是单身的话, 不要冒然结婚. Fools rush in …
Understanding the Idiom: "rush in" - Meaning, Origins, and Usage
One common usage of “rush in” is when someone makes a hasty decision without considering all the facts. For example, if someone decides to invest all their savings into a new business …
rush in - 英中 – Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"rush in" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
英语 in rush与in a rush有何不同? - 百度知道
in rush:拥挤的,急流的,在高峰. It might even be quicker than to take a taxi, especially in rush hours. 乘地铁可能比乘出租车还快,尤其是在交通的高峰时刻。 2.in a rush:急急忙忙地,急 …
Rush in ("only fools rush in") 是什么意思? - HiNative
Rush in ("only fools rush in")In this context, rush in means to do something without forethought.的定义
UE4渲染代码逻辑总结(下) - 风蚀之月
2018年1月2日 · 虚幻使用HLSL作为Shader的语言,引擎核心的Shader都可以在引擎目录的Shader文件夹下找到。 其中ush为Shader头文件,而usf为Shader的源文件。 由于Shader部 …