USM GT400-6P | RMG Messtechnik GmbH
The GT400 series is the high-end result of continuous product development of ultrasonic meter technology. Already with the market launch of the first RMG ultrasonic meter in 1999, the principle of 6-path measurement was applied for custody transfer metering.
RMG’s USM GT400 is an intelligent ultrasonic flow-meter which meets today’s strict requirements for accurate and stable measurements in gas industry operations. It’s a multipath meter with multiple advantages: a field-proven electronics, sophisticated diagnostics, industry leading control valve immunity, suitable for H2S applications, user-
USM GT400-3P | RMG Messtechnik GmbH
The GT400-3P series gas meter is the result of field-proven direct path measurement and continuous product development of ultrasonic gas meter technology. The RMG ultrasonic meter as a 3-path measurement is specially designed for operational measurements and measurements of gases that are not always pure and can be used as a replacement for ...
- 评论数: 57
德国RMG USM GT400超声波流量计 - 珠海司福斯特科技有限公司
USM GT400超声波流量计 在目前第四代产品中,性能优越的超声波流量计已经用于管道和输气站中高压大流量的精确测量。 由于传感器的耐压设计,可获得特别高的声功率水平,这使得超声波流量计即使在苛刻的安装条件下也不会被干扰。
USM GT400-6P | RMG Messtechnik GmbH
Die Baureihe GT400 ist das High-End-Ergebnis der kontinuierlichen Produktentwicklung der Ultraschallzähler-Technologie. Bereits mit der Markteinführung des ersten RMG-Ultraschallzählers im Jahre 1999 kam das Prinzip der 6-Pfad-Messung für die eichamtliche Messung zum Einsatz.
RMG USM GT400 OPERATING MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
Manual USM GT400 · EN10 · May 2021... This manual provides information that is necessary for fault-free and safe opera- tion. The Ultrasonic Flowmeter USM GT400 was designed and produced according to the state of the art and generally recognized safety …
The GT400 ultrasonic flowmeter is a solution for the most demanding gas flow/volume measurement applications. This innovative 6-path meter replaces older, intrusive meter designs and outperforms other traditional ultrasonic custody transfer applications. It is available in 4-inch to 24-inch line sizes with industry standard ±0.1% uncertainty.
Page 1 Ultrasonic Flowmeter USM GT400 OPERATING INSTRUCTION Reliable Measurement of Gas Read the instructions before starting work! Page 2 +49 6033 897-173 +49 6033 897-130 E-Mail [email protected] The Ultrasonic Flowmeter USM GT400 Original Document OPERATING INSTRUCTION 9/4/2018 is the original document.
USM GT400上海英昂新能源科技有限公司 - inon-sh.com
RMG推出的超声流量计USM GT400以六声道技术为 您提供精确并可靠的使用体验。 它可以广泛应用于贸易计量和二次计量,对整体气流速度、涡流、错流和不对称流 的测量。 拥有实时精确调节与声波反射测量技术有效的提高了计量的准确性。 如今,在天然气的流通、存储和使用过程中需要不断地运用智能方案对其数量和体积进行测量和分析。RMG在欧洲与亚洲的天然气供应领域拥有着超过150年的经验, 计量与调压产品线齐全,可为客户提供单独设备和整体计量系统及方案, …
The ultrasonic meter USM GT400 from RMG delivers highest accuracy and reliability based on field proven six path technology. Designed for use in a wide range of gas custody transfer and secondary metering applications, the GT400 measures directly bulk flow rate, swirls, cross-flow and asymmetry.