This manual delineates the process for segregating and filing Navy and Marine Corps records and provides the standard system of numbers and letter symbols used throughout the Department
classify Navy and Marine Corps records. An SSIC is required on all DON records including, but not limited to, letters, messages, directives, forms, and reports/information collections.
Marine Corps records, submit written statement describing the records and showing when and where disposal occurred to the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) (ARDB). b.
2024年10月21日 · retained pursuant to standard subject identification code (SSIC) classification and records management guidance for that SSIC.
When a record is created, it is assigned the SSIC that most closely describes its subject, purpose or significance . Once an SSIC is assigned, use the Command Records Operational Support Site...
Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC). An SSIC is a four or five digit number that identifies the subject of a document. They are required on all Naval and Marine Corps...
Numerical List of Navy Standard Subject Identification codes (SSICs ...
2018年12月17日 · Home » Numerical List of Navy Standard Subject Identification codes (SSICs) for Military Personnel and General Administration and management. December 17, 2018 By Bob Fabien Zinga. Source: SECNAV Manual M5210.2, August 2018 https://doni.documentservices.dla.mil/SECNAV%20Manuals1/5210.2.pdf.
Includes subjects relating to the logistical support of the Navy and Marine Corps, including procurement, supply control, property redistribution and disposal, travel and transportation, maintenance, construction and conversion, production and mobilization planning, and foreign military assistance. General Administration and Management . 17
MCO 5100.29C > United States Marine Corps Flagship > …
To establish the Navy and Marine Corps Safety Investigation and Reporting Manual within the Marine Corps Safety Management System.
NAVY - SECNAV M-5210.2 - Standard Subject Identification Code (SSIC …
2018年8月29日 · This manual delineates the process for segregating and filing Navy and Marine Corps records and provides the standard system of numbers used throughout the DON to categorize and classify Navy and Marine Corps records. An SSIC is required on all DON records including, but not limited to, letters, messages, directives, forms, and reports ...