8-inch/55-caliber gun - Wikipedia
United States naval gun terminology indicates the gun barrel had an internal diameter of 8 inches (203 mm), and the barrel was 55 calibers long (barrel length is 8 inch × 55 = 440 inches or 36.6 feet or 11 meters). [3] These built-up guns weighed about 30 tons including a …
USA 8"/55 (20.3 cm) RF Mark 16 - NavWeaps
With automatic shell handling and loading, a fire rate three times greater than that of previous 8" (20.3 cm) guns and coupled together with the use of "super-heavy" AP projectiles, these weapons made the Des Moines (CA-134) class the most powerful heavy cruisers ever built.
USA 8"/55 (20.3 cm) Mark 71 - NavWeaps
As the USN test ship for this weapon from 1975 to 1979, the USS Hull (DD-945) was the only destroyer ever to mount an 8" (20.3 cm) cannon. The mount was removed from the USS Hull in 1979 and is now at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Dahlgren, Virginia.
8-inch/55-caliber Mark 71 gun - Wikipedia
United States naval gun terminology indicates the gun fired a projectile 8 inches (203 mm) in diameter, and the barrel was 55 calibers long (barrel length is 8" × 55 = 440" or 11.165 meters.) [2] Gunfire support from cruisers and battleships had become an established part of United States amphibious warfare doctrine during World War II.
【最大口径驱逐舰炮】美国海军Mark71型203毫米55倍径舰炮 - 知乎
这种新型炮塔便是美国海军当时正在进行的“ 大口径轻型舰炮 ”(MCLWG)计划的研制成果:MK71型8英寸(203毫米)/55倍径单管舰炮。 1976年6月29日17时22分,随着舰长拉格尔中校的号令,“赫尔”号上的这门203毫米主炮开始转向右舷,射击圣克莱蒙特岛上的靶标,其中包括掩体、卡车、坦克等,使用的弹种既包括常规炮弹、也有 激光制导炮弹。 在对陆地靶标的射击结束后,“赫尔”号又将炮口对准了14.6千米外一艘退役的弗莱彻级驱逐舰“伯恩斯”号(USS BURNS …
8吋55倍徑艦炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
8吋55倍徑艦炮 (英語: 8"/55 caliber naval gun,讀音:Eight-inch-fifty-five-caliber)是 美國海軍 構成其 重巡洋艦 和首兩艘早期型 航空母舰 時所搭載的8英寸(203.2毫米) 艦載 主炮。 美國海軍火炮術語表明,該艦炮發射直徑為8英寸(203.20毫米)的炮彈, 炮管 長達55 倍徑 (即是炮管長度為8英寸×55=440英寸、36.6英尺、或是11公尺)。 [3] 該型 筒緊身管 (英语:Built-up gun) 火炮重約30噸,由襯管、主管、套筒和五具 箍 (英语:Hoop gun) 和所組成。 向下擺動的 …
USA 8"/55 (20.3 cm) RF Mark 16 - warships.com.cn
With automatic shell handling and loading, a fire rate three times greater than that of previous 8" (20.3 cm) guns and coupled together with the use of "super-heavy" AP projectiles, these weapons made the Des Moines (CA-134) class the most powerful heavy cruisers ever built.
USA 8"/55 (20.3 cm) Marks 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14 - NavWeaps
Values for AP Mark 19, SP Common Mark 17 and Common Mark 15 from BuOrd OP 1188 page 29.
Mark 71 8"/55 (203 mm) Major Caliber Lightweight Gun [MCLWG]
One of the major challenges to naval guns during World War II and Korea was the elimination of hostile coastal defense guns. These weapons played key roles in the defensive strategy of the Germans...
M110 howitzer - Wikipedia
The 8-inch (203 mm) M110 self-propelled howitzer is an American self-propelled artillery system consisting of an M115 203 mm howitzer installed on a purpose-built chassis. Before its retirement from US service, it was the largest available self-propelled howitzer in the United States Army 's inventory; it continues in service with the armed ...
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