USPS Navistar 2-Ton Electric Postal Vehicle Test
2012年6月22日 · The USPS has budgetary considerations on one hand and a commitment to "green" technology (such as electric vehicles) on the other. It will be interesting to see which option wins out when new USPS trucks are purchased.
USPS To Issue Two Stamps For Boston 2026 - Stamp Community …
2025年3月6日 · Flash! - $2 & $5 Stamps On Cover // Less Than 24 Hour Notice Of Lots Included In Sale Stamp Founded In My Grandmother House R36A Nycr Cancel Trimmed Or Not Trimmed That Is The Question! Plate Varieties Flags On Stamps.....new Additions ! Postcard From SC Scott USA To Paris 1892 Removeable Labels For Album Binders
Dejoy Announces Search For Successor - Stamp Community Forum
2025年2月21日 · Not a very convincing argument, given that their solution is to just privatize USPS and make it a publicly traded company, which, as has been pointed out earlier in this thread, POTUS and others are against. (It also strains credulity - which private sector investors would willingly pump a ton of cash into such a loss-making enterprise?)
Which Forever Stamps (If Any) Are Worth Saving ? - Page 2
2025年1月22日 · d) As has been mentioned, certain definitive coils may be scarce depending on their plate number. I believe the Waving Flags of 2022 from Ashton Potter with plate P2 is one such example. There is a scarce plate number in the 2 cent Navajo Jewelry stamp issues, and the Transportation coil series has a few scarce or even rare plate numbers.
Elimination Of Form 400 (Tracking Label) - Stamp Community Forum
2023年2月26日 · Just learned that the USPS eliminated form 400 (the tracking label) last month. A new form, 888, is apparently only available to commercial customers (from their meter provider). The upshot is, so far as I can tell, that is now impossible to mail a tracked package using stamps without going over the post office counter for each item.
2c George Washington Stamps Identification Help - Stamp …
2019年2月3日 · (Note that of your stamps only 2 qualify as "Washington-Franklin" era stamps, which is from 1908 to 1920 (starting with Scott #331 to Scott #547 (though a few in between there that don't have a image of Washington or Franklin on them so don't "count"). So let's take a look at those. First you have one that has "TWO CENTS" at the bottom.
Supposed 2025 US Stamps - Stamp Community Forum
2024年10月27日 · "In January 2025, the USPS will be issuing the new Year of the Snake stamp in the Lunar New Year series, a new Black Heritage stamp, and a new Love stamp. An issue date is not finalized but in early 2025 the USPS will also issue 2 new stamps featuring space telescope images for Priority Mail and Express Mail."
Identification Guide For 2c US Postage Stamps - Stamp Community
2016年8月23日 · Group 2 - Stamps printed on single-lined USPS watermarked paper that are either perforated 12 or perforated 8-1/2 (on some coils). Group 3 - Stamps printed on either watermarked or unwatermarked paper that are perforated 10, with the exception of some coils that are perforated 8-1/2.
Philatelic Souvenir Cards - Page 4 - Stamp Community Forum
2019年4月4日 · Dealers bought large numbers in anticipation of future sales and the USPS got an over-inflated sense of demand. Nearly 30 cards had print runs of 100,000 or more. PS-51, promoting the 1984 St. Lawrence Seaway stamp, had 180,000 printed.
Need Help To Identify This US 53 Cent Stamp
2025年3月6日 · These usps approved stamps.com issues are listed in the standard Scott catalog back of the book but my catalog is not new enough to show this denomination. It is similar to the design CVPA78. The Scott number for the 44c variety is 1cvp120 to 23. A newer catalog should show your denomination. There is also information regarding the stamps.com ...