USS Illinois (BB-65) - Wikipedia
USS [a] Illinois (BB-65) was the fifth Iowa-class fast battleship that was laid down for the United States Navy during World War II in the 1940s, although she would not be completed. The Navy had initially planned on building four of the Iowas and then developing a new, more powerful ship for what was to be BB-65. The pressing need for more ...
伊利諾號戰艦 (BB-65) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊利諾號戰艦(舷號BB-65)是一艘隸屬於美國海軍的戰艦,原為愛荷華級戰艦的五號艦。她是美軍第四艘以伊利諾州為名的軍艦。 伊利諾號在1942年按照兩洋海軍法案(Two-Ocean Navy Act),於費城造船廠開始建造。
伊利诺伊号战列舰 (BB-65) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
伊利诺号战舰(舷号BB-65)是一艘隶属于美国海军的战舰,原为爱荷华级战舰的五号舰。她是美军第四艘以伊利诺州为名的军舰。 伊利诺号在1942年按照两洋海军法案(Two-Ocean Navy Act),于费城造船厂开始建造。
命途多舛——伊利诺伊(USS Illinois BB-65)(转载) - 哔哩哔哩
衣阿华级5、6号舰于1944年开工,这便是bb-65伊利诺伊和bb-66肯塔基。 由于建造时间较晚,这两舰在原有的衣阿华级基础上小幅度修改了设计,提高了鱼雷防护能力,主机功率也从212000HP提高到了240000HP,进一步提高了航速。
伊利诺伊号战列舰(英文:Illinois BB-65,舷号:BB-65),是 美国海军 的 依阿华级战列舰 的五号舰,在费城海军船厂建造。 1938年初,在美国海军托马斯·哈特上将(Thomas C. Hart)的要求下,伊利诺伊号新战列舰的设计工作开始。
USS Illinois: The Forgotten Iowa-Class Battleship the Navy Never ...
2024年8月25日 · Summary and Key Points: The USS Illinois (BB-65), the fifth Iowa-class battleship, was laid down during World War II but never completed. Initially intended as a Montana-class battleship, the...
Battleship Photo Index BB-65 ILLINOIS - NavSource
The keel of the fifth ship of the Iowa class (BB-61 / 66), the Illinois (BB-65), was laid down on 15 January 1945 at Philadelphia Navy Yard. By 7 July the construction had progressed this far and the ship was officially cancelled a month later, on 11 August 1945, only about 22 % complete.
USS Illinois (BB-65) in World War II - ThoughtCo
2018年8月2日 · USS Illinois (BB-65) was a battleship that was laid down during World War II (1939-1945) but never completed. First proposed as a ship of the massive Montana -class of battleship, Illinois was re-ordered in 1940 as the fifth vessel of the US Navy's Iowa -class.
USS Illinois (BB-65) | Military Wiki | Fandom
Illinois (BB-65) was to be the fifth Iowa-class battleship constructed for the United States Navy and was the fourth ship to be named in honor of the 21st US state. Hull BB-65 was originally to be the first ship of the Montana-class battleships, but changes during World War II resulted in her...
About: USS Illinois (BB-65) - DBpedia Association
USS Illinois (BB-65) was the fifth Iowa-class fast battleship that was laid down for the United States Navy during World War II in the 1940s, although she would not be completed. The Navy had initially planned on building four of the Iowas and then developing a new, more powerful ship for what was to be BB-65.