Guidelines - United States Sentencing Commission
In this section, you will find the Commission’s comprehensive archive of yearly amendments and Guidelines Manuals dating back to 1987. The Commission collects, analyzes, and disseminates a broad array of information on federal crime and sentencing practices.
2023 Guidelines Manual Annotated - United States Sentencing …
The 2023 Guidelines Manual Annotated (effective November 1, 2023) featured below offers quick integrated access to guidelines history and reasons for amendments. Use the icon next to a provision to access a list of related amendments. The list is arranged in chronological order and provides hyperlinks to the full text of the amendments.
EMD GP9 - Wikipedia
The EMD GP9 is a four-axle diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division between 1954 and 1959. The GP9 succeeded the GP7 as the second model of EMD's General Purpose (GP) line, [1] incorporating a new sixteen- cylinder engine which generated 1,750 horsepower (1.30 MW). [2] .
[using USSG as the designated short form for United States Sentencing Guidelines]
EMD GP9R - Wikipedia
The EMD GP9R was a rebuild from EMD GP9 diesel locomotives that were rebuilt by the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company, Grand Trunk Western Railroad, Southern Pacific Transportation Company.
List of preserved EMD GP9 locomotives - Wikipedia
GP9 Burlington Northern (Manitoba) Limited; BNSF Railway - Operational Prairie Dog Central Railway, Winnipeg, Manitoba [6] Boston and Maine 1741 July 1957 Electro-Motive Division (EMD) GP9 Boston and Maine Railroad (B&M) Springfield Terminal Railway (ST) - Operational Conway Scenic Railroad in North Conway, New Hampshire [7] [8] Grand Trunk ...
EMD GP9 Diesel-Electric Locomotive | Trains and Railroads
The EMD GP9 is a four-axle diesel-electric locomotive built by General Motors' Electro-Motive Division between 1954 and 1959. The GP9 succeeded the GP7 as the second model of EMD's General Purpose (GP) line, incorporating a new sixteen-cylinder engine which generated 1,750 horsepower (1.30 MW).
请问通用汽车(GM)的 GP4、GP5、 GP6、 GP7、 GP8、 GP9、 …
这是GM内部的缩写,是一些流程的缩写代码,每个代表一个意思。 由于是内部的不便透露太多,给你解释一个吧! GP4:General Procedure #4. Supplier Submission of Material for Proc. Application. 其它的也和这个类似,都是一些流程的缩写代码。 阁下不愧为内行人,一看就懂。 能否多解释几个,感谢! 请问通用汽车(GM)的 GP4、GP5、 GP6、 GP7、 GP8、 GP9、 GP10、 GP11 、GP12指什么? 谢谢! GP4:生产件批准状况通知 (GM1407)GP5:供应商 …
GP9型柴油机车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
gp9型柴油机车是美国 通用汽车 易安迪公司(gm-emd)于1954年推出的一款柴油机车,也是易安迪公司的第二代“gp”系列四轴干线调车机车,主要竞争对象是美国机车公司的rs-11、rs-18型柴油机车。
(2) Determine the base offense level and apply any appropriate specific offense characteristics, cross references, and special instructions contained in the particular guideline in in the order listed. (4) If there are multiple counts of conviction, repeat steps (1) through (3) for each count.