N1 (rocket) - Wikipedia
The N1 was the Soviet counterpart to the US Saturn V and was intended to enable crewed travel to the Moon and beyond, [6] with studies beginning as early as 1959. [7] Its first stage, Block …
N1运载火箭 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
N1运载火箭 是 苏联 研发的用来将苏联 宇航员 送到 月球 的 火箭,也被西方人称为 G-1e 或 SL-15 。 N1就是俄语 носитель (运载器)的缩写。 N1运载火箭研发工作比 土星五号 晚,不仅资 …
N-1运载火箭 - 百度百科
N-1运载火箭是 苏联 研发的用来将苏联宇航员送到月球的火箭。 也就是被西方人称为 G-1e 或 SL-15 的火箭。 N1就是俄语носитель(运载器)的缩写。 火箭研发工作比 土星五号 晚,不仅资 …
N1 - Encyclopedia Astronautica
The ancestor of the N1 lunar launch vehicle, this was the first heavy lift launch vehicle actively considered in the USSR. The 2,000 metric ton liftoff mass was similar to the later N1 design, …
N1: The Rise and Fall of the USSR's Moon Rocket
2020年2月21日 · The N1, or Raketa-nositel "rocket-carrier", was a Soviet heavy-lift launch vehicle intended to send Soviet cosmonauts to the moon in the late 1960s and early 70s. The L3 …
The N1 Moon rocket - RussianSpaceWeb.com
After many delays, that would prove fateful, the N1 project was ultimately approved by the Kremlin in 1964 for a single mission — to beat America to the Moon. To accomplish this task, the …
2020年3月27日 · N1运载火箭可以说是苏联整个“登月计划”的核心,该火箭全高105米(相当于30层楼的高度)、最大直径约为17米,整体外形类似一个圆锥体,最大发射质量约为2800 …
The second launch of the N1 rocket - RussianSpaceWeb.com
On July 3, 1969, on the very eve of the Apollo-11 Moon landing, Soviet engineers made their second clandestine attempt to fly their giant Moon rocket. However, the mission ended just …
N1 | Space Exploration, Rocket Engines & Launch Complexes
N1, Soviet launch vehicle. In the early 1960s, Soviet designers began work on the N1, which was originally designed to undertake journeys that would require true heavy-lift capability (that is, …
N1 Rocket - Soviet N-1 Moon Rocket - AeroSpaceGuide.net
N1 was the Soviet Unions Moon Rocket. It was the Soviet counterpart of the American Saturn-V. The launch location site was Baikonur Cosmodrome, Soviet Union. The first launch was in …