A Summary of Paleozoic Reef Building Within the Boundaries …
2003年1月1日 · The Paleozoic reefs of the former Soviet Union were deposited on various tectonic elements and experienced a wide range of tectonic histories. In cratonic and peri–cratonic settings, the main structural elements are summarized as follows: marginal and intracratonic depressions, intracratonic rifts, and shelf and passive margins.
Organic buildups and reefs on the Palaeozoic carbonate platform margin ...
1998年6月1日 · The monograph by Belenitskaya et al. (1990) summarises the composition of the Phanerozoic reef-bearing successions in different tectonic settings, also outlining the distribution of reefal units over the former USSR. Reef distribution maps (Belenitskaya et al., 1990) clearly show that the Palaeozoic reefs are more widespread in the Urals and ...
Organic buildups and reefs on the Palaeozoic carbonate platform margin ...
1998年6月1日 · A short review of the main reef-builders of Russian Palaeozoic reefs is given in Bol'shakova et al. (1994). The northern part of the Western Urals, the so-called Pechora Urals, is a unique region where reef communities, palaeoecology and development can be observed throughout the Upper Ordovician–Lower Permian.
Oil and gas in reef reservoirs in the former USSR
Productive reefs in the former USSR are known from the Lower Cambrian to the Upper Jurassic. They contain more than 31% of the oil and about 29% of the gas resources of the FSU occurring in carbonate reservoirs. Giant and supergiant fields such as Karachaganak, Tengiz, Zhanazhol, Shurtan etc. are associated with reefs.
2002年1月1日 · The distribution of Paleozoic reefs in the boundaries of the former USSR has been studied within the context of the stratigraphic record and relationship to paleotectonic elements and...
Oil and gas in reef reservoirs in the former USSR
Productive reefs in the former USSR are known from the Lower Cambrian to the Upper Jurassic. They contain more than 31% of the oil and about 29% of the gas resources of the FSU occurring in carbonate reservoirs.
Oil and gas in reef reservoirs in the former USSR - Earthdoc
1997年2月1日 · Productive reefs in the former USSR are known from the Lower Cambrian to the Upper Jurassic. They contain more than 31% of the oil and about 29% of the gas resources of the FSU occurring in carbonate reservoirs. Giant and supergiant fields such as Karachaganak, Tengiz, Zhanazhol, Shurtan etc. are associated with reefs.
Some aspects of the history of formation and development of the ...
2020年1月1日 · We analyzed the history of the fossil reefs study expressed in various thematic conferences and accompanying field geological sessions, general publications on this problem, starting from the...
Oil and gas in reef reservoirs of former USSR basins | Earthdoc
About 8% of oil reserves and 17% of gas reserves are concentrated in carbonate deposits of the former USSR, 31 and 29% of which are accordingly contained in reefs.
Oil and gas in reef reservoirs in the former USSR | Petroleum ...
Abstract. Productive reefs in the former USSR are known from the Lower Cambrian to the Upper Jurassic. They contain more than 31% of the oil and about 29%