USW Local 6787
Unilver is a plant located in Hammond. They make bar soap and the employees are USW members of Local Union 7-00336.
About Us - USW Local 6787
We are the United Steelworkers, Local 6787. We represent approximately 3,400 union members in Burns Harbor, Indiana. We are part of North America’s largest industrial union which is 1.2 million members and retirees strong in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean.
2022 Basic Labor Agreement - USW Local 6787
Portions of this website are paid for by the United Steelworkers Political Action Fund, with voluntary contributions from union members and their families, and is not authorized by any …
USW Local 6787 | Chesterton IN | Facebook
If you would like to view the streamed services, you may pre-register at https://usw.org/tom and a link will be emailed to you prior to the start of services.
David McCall - United Steelworkers
The USW International Executive Board appointed David McCall the union’s ninth International President on Sept. 26, 2023. McCall, a fourth-generation Steelworker, was born and raised in Gary, Ind. He was 18 when he joined USW Local 6787 and went to work as a millwright at Bethlehem Steel’s Burns Harbor Works in northwestern Indiana.
USW District 7 Local Websites
Lafayette IN USW Local 12775* Porter, IN USW Local 13796 Wanatah, IN USW Local 1899* Granite City, IL USW Local 1999* Indianapolis, IN USW Local 2695 Gary, IN USW Local 2958 Kokomo, IN USW Local 6103* Portage IN USW Local 6787* Chesterton, IN USW Local 7-1* Whiting, IN USW Local 715* Woodburn, IN USW Local 745* Freeport, IL USW Local 7-669 ...
6787 USW Solidarity Committee - Facebook
6787 USW Solidarity Committee. 1,791 likes. The USW 6787 Solidarity Committee was designed to help keep our members and their families involved...
Union Facts
2023年6月12日 · The Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (LMRDA), which is enforced by the Office of Labor-Management Standards, requires labor unions to file annual reports detailing their operations. Contained in those reports are breakdowns of each union's spending, income and other financial information.
Burns Harbor Career Development – USW 6787 / Cleveland Cliffs
The USW/Cleveland Cliffs Career Development Program is a tremendous, year round benefit to the Burns Harbor Division’s USW-represented employees. There are hundreds of diverse classes available throughout the year scheduled to your convenience.
Next Generation Steelworkers Local 6787 | "Shoulder to Shoulder"
This meeting is the 1st ever meeting for the “Next Up” Young Workers and will be held at the USW Local 6787 Union Hall, 1100 Max Mochal Highway in Chesterton, Indiana.