Faculty of Science - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
True to the aims of a research university, the Faculty of Science is continuously investing in advanced facilities and laboratory equipment to provide the necessary research and operation exposure for both undergraduate and postgraduates students.
Lab Facilities - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
After shifting to the new Block (Block N) in Kampar campus, we retain 9 teaching labs and 2 special purpose labs (For Final Year Project Purpose and IPSR Postgraduate Laboratory).
Faculty of Science
Marvel at the wonders of everything science through the 11 accredited undergraduate and 6 postgraduate programmes offered by the Faculty of Science, supported by dedicated academic staff, lab officers and administrative staff. Accredited Programmes and Reality-Based Learning.
Faculty of Science - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Jalan Universiti Bandar Barat 31900 Kampar, Perak Telephone: +605-468 8888 Fax: +605-466 1313 Email: [email protected]
Faculty of Science - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Laboratory Operation, Safety & Health Handbook. Selected Equipments Available in Department of Agricultural and Food Science. Distillation Unit (BUCHI, K-355) Gel Imaging System (Bio-Rad, ChemiDoc TM MP System – 170-8280) ... 2025 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Email: [email protected]
Faculty of Science - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
In order to remain competitive with established universities in the country, Faculty Science is continuously investing in advanced laboratory facilities and equipment. Hence, our undergraduates will be exposed to leading edge technology and be familiar in the operation of advanced instruments.
Faculty of Science - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Laboratory Key Borrowing for Working after Office Hours: FS-LMSA-S002: read more here: 3: Handling Emergency/Accident in Laboratory Involving Student: FS-LMSA-S003: read more here: 4: Briefing details for Practical Class: FS-LMSA-S004: ... 2025 Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman Email: [email protected]
IT Facilities & Laboratories - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
ICT Facilities consists of more than 50 computer labs and 6 Apple iMac labs located on various campuses. UTAR has more than 2000 computers, including 144 units of iMacs. Total PCs. More... Currently, there are 113 Internet PCs available in the Library and the Serials Room at the various faculties for students to surf the net.
UTAR Research Portal
UTAR Support for Research Publication + UTAR Research Publication Scheme; UTAR Financial Support for Journal Paper Publication ... IPSR Meeting Room (Kampar) Lab Room. Title text information. This is an excellent place for you to add a paragraph and let your visitors know more about you and your services. Easily edit by go to tab pages and ...
Faculty of Science - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Wholly owned by UTAR Education Foundation (200201010564(578227-M)) LEGAL STATEMENT TERM OF USAGE PRIVACY NOTICE. Home ... Laboratory Forms, SOP and Handbooks; Research Services; Waste Facilities; Faculty Activities + 2025; 2024; 2023; 2022; 2021; 2020; 2019;