Online converter to all coordinate systems | UTM, WGS.. | with map
UTM, UTMRF/MGRS, CH1903, Gauss-Krueger, GK, NAC, W3W and WGS as decimal, decimal minutes or in degrees, minutes and seconds. | Large map | Coordinates to address
UTM Zone Finder - March 18, 2025
2024年10月21日 · Click anywhere on the map to find out the UTM zone for that location. The UTM system divides the Earth into 60 zones, each 6° of longitude wide. The zones are numbered from 1 to 60, starting at 180° West and increasing eastward. Each UTM zone is also divided into latitude bands, labeled from C to X (omitting I and O).
Convert Coordinates - Earth Point
Convert Latitude/Longitude to UTM, UPS, MGRS, GARS, Maidenhead, GEOREF, State Plane, and back.
Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM Coordinates)
The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system is a global coordinate system that divides the Earth into 60 zones, each 6 degrees of longitude wide. It is commonly used for mapping and navigation because it provides accurate distance, direction, and area measurements.
通用横轴墨卡托(UTM) — PROJ 9.1.0 文档
UTM预测实际上是 Transverse Mercator 对其应用了特定参数,例如中央子午线。地球被分成60个区域,每个区域的经度一般为6°。边界子午线可以被6°整除,从格林威治起180度子午线向东的区域编号为1到60,但有少许例外 。 使用¶. 将大地坐标转换为北半球UTM 32区:
如何解读MGRS&UTM&USUG坐标? - 网易
2022年11月25日 · MGRS是Military Grid Reference System的缩写,即军事格网参考系统;UTM是Universal Transverse Mercator的缩写,即通用横向墨卡托网格定位系统;USGS是United States National Grid的缩写,即美国国家格网系统,被佛罗里达等州消防队长协会 (FFCA)确立为通用坐标 …
What UTM Zone am I in ? - Interactive Web Map - MangoMap
What UTM Zone am I in ? Click on the map or use the Geolocate button to find out which UTM zone you are in.
Battle of 73 Easting | Military Wiki - Fandom
The Battle of 73 Easting was a decisive tank battle fought on 26 February 1991, during the Gulf War, between American-British armored forces and those of the Iraqi Republican Guard. The battle took place several hours after the Battle of Al Busayyah. It was named for a UTM north-south coordinate...
A Quick Guide to Using UTM Coordinates - MapTools
Let's look at where the various parts of the UTM position come from on the map. The map has grid lines spaced every kilometer or 1000 meters. The grid is labeled with UTM coordinate values. The vertical grid lines determine East-West position …
Valor UTM Hoy Calculadora a Peso Chileno (CLP)
Calculadora online de UTM a pesos chilenos. 🆓 Valor del UTM hoy. 🆓 Fácil y rápida de usar. 🆓 Convierte valores con decimales