[GA4] URL builders: Collect campaign data with custom URLs
Discover how to use Google Analytics 4’s URL builder to add utm parameters in order to identify the campaigns that refer traffic. By adding utm campaign parameters to the destination URLs you use in referral links and ad campaigns, you can see which campaigns refer traffic.
[UA] URL builders [Legacy] - Analytics Help - Google Help
You can add parameters (such as utm_source, utm_medium, and utm_campaign) to a URL to capture reporting data about the referring campaign. For example, the following link would allow you to identify the traffic to example.com that came from a particular email newsletter, as part of a particular campaign:
[UA] Kreatory adresów URL - Analytics - Pomoc - Google Help
utm_source, utm_medium i utm_campaign), które służą do zbierania danych do raportu dotyczących kampanii odsyłającej. Poniższy link umożliwi np. wyodrębnienie w witrynie example.com ruchu, który pochodzi z określonego newslettera e-mailowego, w …
[GA4] Creadores de URLs: recoger datos de campaña con URLs ...
Añadir parámetros UTM a la URL. Puede añadir los siguientes parámetros a sus URLs de destino: utm_id: ID de campaña.
[GA4] Traffic-source dimensions, manual tagging, and auto-tagging
If you use manual tagging and auto tagging together, then the source, medium, and other traffic-classification dimensions use the auto-tagged values. The manually tagged values for utm_content and utm_term are used for the Manual Ad Content and Manual Term dimensions. Learn more About utm parameters and how the URL builders work. Auto-tagging
[UA] Outils de création d'URL - Aide Google Analytics
Vous pouvez ajouter des paramètres (tels que utm_source, utm_medium et utm_campaign) à une URL afin de recueillir des données pour les rapports de la campagne référente. Par exemple, le lien suivant vous permet d'identifier le trafic vers example.com provenant d'une newsletter envoyée par e-mail, dans le cadre d'une campagne particulière :
Компоновщики URL - Cправка - Google Analytics
В рекламные URL можно добавлять параметры, такие как utm_source, utm_medium и utm_campaign, чтобы сохранять важные данные о кампании для отчетов. Например, приведенная ниже ссылка позволяет ...
[UA] Criadores de URLs - Ajuda do Google Analytics
Você pode adicionar parâmetros (como utm_source, utm_medium e utm_campaign) a um URL para registrar dados de relatórios sobre a campanha de referência. Com o link a seguir, por exemplo, é possível identificar o tráfego de "example.com" proveniente de um newsletter de e-mail específico, como parte de uma determinada campanha:
[GA4] URL 生成ツール: カスタム URL でキャンペーン データを収 …
utm_source: 参照 URL を識別します(Google、ニュースレター 4、屋外広告など)。 utm_medium: マーケティング メディアを識別します(CPC、バナー、メールなど)。 utm_campaign: 商品、スローガン、プロモーション コードを識別します(spring_sale など)。
[UA] Best Practices for collecting campaign data with custom URLs ...
The URL Builder has six fields, but you generally need to use only Campaign Source, Campaign Medium, and Campaign Name. Campaign Term allows you to specify the paid search keyword. You can use Campaign Content to indicate the specific ad, button, or link that was clicked. The table below shows how you might tag the two kinds of online campaigns ...