U Team Core - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
Open-Source API and library for U-Team's mods. Join our discord server for updates. This mod adds a Discord RPC feature. If you don't want that please disable it in the config file …
Item Frame – Minecraft Wiki
Expert-level cartographer villagers have a chance to sell an item frame for 7 emeralds. Item frames can be placed on the sides of cactus blocks, pressure plates, fences, trees, slabs, …
Item – Minecraft Wiki
Some items, when used, place a block (Item block) or entity (minecart, spawn eggs, etc.) version of themselves into the game world. Put simply, they are an item when in the inventory, and a …
Minecraft Crafting Guide
Crafting in Minecraft is the method by which the majority of items, blocks and tools are created. To craft an item move the ingredients from your inventory into the crafting grid and place them in …
Crafter – Minecraft Wiki
The crafter is a block that crafts items upon receiving a redstone signal. Crafters can be broken by hand, but a pickaxe is the fastest tool. Crafters are used to craft items when activated by a …
U Team Core Mod - ZonaCraft
U Team Core Mod es una biblioteca de código abierto que proporciona una gran cantidad de funciones y utilidades que pueden facilitar la creación de mods. También funciona como una …
HELP? Is it possible to give items from RLCraft w/cheats on?
2021年12月13日 · If you turn cheats on you can just cheat them in from JEI after turning on cheat mode for JEI (either click the cog and turn it on, or ctrl click it). Or you could /give yourself the …
How to make Item Frame in Minecraft: Crafting Recipe and …
Want to craft Item Frame in Minecraft? Learn how to make Item Frame using these blocks: Stick, Leather. Detailed crafting guide provided!
Crafty — The Ultimate Minecraft Crafting Recipes List
Recipes for all items in Minecraft - Find out how to craft any items within seconds
Minecraft Crafting | A Minecraft Crafting Guide
A complete Minecraft crafting guide showing crafting recipes for every possible item. Updated for Minecraft Java Edition version 1.21.