UVP DigiDoc-It - uvp.com
The UVP DigiDoc-It is an affordable option for gel imaging of stained gels. Applications can be extended by adding a white light plate for colorimetric imaging or a blue light plate for excitation of gels in the 460-470 nm range. The exclusive software controls the camera functions, live preview of images, image capture and image enhancement.
UVP MultiDoc-It - uvp.com
The UVP MultiDoc-It is an affordable option for gel imaging of stained gels. The darkroom comes assembled with choice of UV transilluminator and UV safety shut off switches opening the door. The exclusive software controls the camera functions, live preview of images, image capture and image enhancement.
UVP ColonyDoc-It - uvp.com
The unique UVP ColonyDoc-It Imaging Station enables researchers to quickly and accurately count colonies. The high resolution digital color camera identifies the smallest colonies. Plate and filter sizes from 33-150 mm can be accomodated. Doors create a darkroom environment, eliminating ambient light.
【UVP】凝胶成像系统 GelDoc-It_参数_价格-仪器信息网
UV Transilluminator with Camera - UVP DigiDoc-It - Analytik Jena
The UVP DigiDoc-It UV transilluminator with camera is an affordable option for gel imaging of stained gels. Applications can be extended by adding a white light plate for colorimetric imaging or a blue light plate for excitation of gels in the 460-470 nm range.
BioDoc- It Imaging System_UVP凝胶成像系统_分子生物学产品
系统采用三开门设计,无须开门即可切胶,更方便、 更安全。 数据接口:USB 2.0,配1G USB存储器通过USB或连接网络传输数据。 全新升级的BioDoc-It是一款一体化设计的凝胶成像系统,其中 BioDoc- IT的220机型采用了130万像素的摄像头。 BioDoc-It 通过 内置电脑、触摸屏操控,为用户提供了一个新颖的系统进行荧光成像。 由具有科研级CCD,简单而灵活的捕获和储存,使这个凝胶成像系统自成一体 。 导出、调阅数据可通过U盘或局域网访问,因此该系统不需要外部连接电 …
UVP BioDoc-IT2 凝胶成像系统_报价/价格/性能参数/图, 美国/Cole …
2025年3月12日 · UVP BioDoc-It2是著名的 BioDoc-It凝胶成像系统的新升级版,采用了500万像素研究级CCD的摄像头,内置电脑,触摸屏控制,提供全新的荧光成像体验,简单而灵活的图像捕获和储存功能,无需外接电脑,可通过U盘或局域网直接访问、导出、调阅图像数据,满足用户的 ...
自动菌群计数器 - ColonyDoc-It™ - UVP/耶拿 - 台式 / 数字 / 图像
独特的 ColololyDoc-IT 成像站使研究人员能够通过直观、快速的点击软件界面快速、准确地计算菌落。 用户可以轻松处理时间流逝计数、区域大小和螺旋计数。 Colololydoc-it 系统通过多个激发源简化群落计数研究,以可视化白光和荧光菌落,包括 GFP 菌落。 高分辨率数码彩色相机识别最小的殖民地。 可容纳 33-150 毫米的平板和过滤器尺寸。 门创造了一个暗室环境,消除了环境光线。 应用包括微生物学、卫生研究、抗生素测试、质量控制和液体污染。
UV Gel Visualizer - UVP MultiDoc-It - Analytik Jena
The UVP MultiDoc-It is an affordable option for gel imaging of stained gels. The darkroom comes assembled with choice of UV transilluminator and UV safety shut off switches triggered by opening the door. The exclusive software controls the camera functions, live preview of images, image capture and image enhancement.
UVP PhotoDoc-It - uvp.com
The UVP PhotoDoc-It captures brillinat color gel images with the high resolution digital color camera. These images are saved to the memory card or may be instantly printed with the included printer. The camera may also be connected to …