Colours & fonts - UVic brand - University of Victoria
UVic's colours & fonts help to make us distinct and recognizable. Explore our core colour palette and typography.
University of Victoria Colors - Brands and Logos
University of Victoria have 4 signature colors: #005493, #f5aa1c, #c63527 and #002754. Check out more information like HEX, RGB, CMYK, Pantone, RAL, and more, or download the color scheme.
University Of Victoria Colors - Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes
The Hex Color Codes for University Of Victoria are #005493, #F5AA1C, #C63527, and #002754 for medium electric blue, crayola’s bright yellow, golden gate bridge orange, and prussian blue. The Hex Color Scheme of the University Of Victoria brand can be seen in the table below.
uvic_1 : Core colours of the University of Victoria, Canada
2024年5月29日 · uvic_1 is based on the HEX colour definitions. The 4 core UVic colours can be used in various combinations depending on audience and medium. The dominant colours are blue and yellow, with red used as an accent colour. Dark blue works well as a …
Zap Copy - Digital Printing Shop at University Of Victoria
Use our self-serve for quick and affordable colour or black and white printing, copying and scanning. Our machines feature high-quality, 100% recycled, 89 gsm paper in multiple sizes from 8.5” x 11” up to 12” x 18” as well as free stapling and hole punching.
Logos - UVic brand - University of Victoria
We use the UVic mark to identify our university in most instances. The blue, green and yellow in the V signify the intersection of people, place and planet. We use the university crest with audiences that may respond positively to a more traditional university-style logo. Find information about how to use other logos including:
uvic_2 : Complementary colours of the University of Victoria, …
2024年5月29日 · uvic_2 is based on the HEX colour definitions. The 8 complementary colours are a way for faculties to distinguish themselves from each other and for the university to have a strong visual organization system. They're used in faculty materials to support and complement the core colours (of uvic_1).
Core colours of the University of Victoria, Canada — uvic_1
uvic_1 is based on the HEX colour definitions. The 4 core UVic colours can be used in various combinations depending on audience and medium. The dominant colours are blue and yellow, with red used as an accent colour. Dark blue works well as a background and type colour.
Core colours of University of Victoria — uvic_core • unicol
The core UVic colours can be used in various combinations depending on audience and medium. The dominant colours are blue and yellow, with red used as an accent colour. Dark blue works well as a background and type colour.
Core colours of the University of Victoria, Canada - search.r …
uvic_1 is based on the HEX colour definitions. The 4 core UVic colours can be used in various combinations depending on audience and medium. The dominant colours are blue and yellow, with red used as an accent colour. Dark blue works well as a background and type colour.