Home - Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) | UWSP
The Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) offers services, programming, and courses that support student academic excellence across all disciplines in an inclusive environment. Tutors, in cooperation with faculty and staff, provid e peer-to-peer assistance through individual and small group collaboration.
Reading/Writing Services - Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) | UWSP
Reading/Writing Tutoring provides a collaborative, inclusive environment for learners to discuss reading, writing, and learning. Peer-to-peer discussions center on the student and consider the context of the assignment, always keeping disciplinary convention in mind.
Drop-In Tutoring Schedules - Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) | UWSP
The TLC offers free drop-in tutoring services to UWSP students. Drop-in tutoring does not require an appointment. You can use the schedules on this page to determine if a tutor is currently available on the Stevens Point campus to suit your needs.
Online Writing Lab (OWL) - Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) | UWSP
If you have questions, email [email protected] or call 715-346-3568 for assistance. How it Works: Writing Center Consultants will use the "review" tools in Microsoft Word to comment on your paper. Writing Consultants will offer thoughtful feedback and suggestions for making your writing clearer and better organized.
Tutoring - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Contact the TLC Front Desk to schedule: [email protected] or 715-346-3568. Schedule a time that fits your schedule, once or twice weekly in the CCC 234. Peer-to-Peer Language Support in the TLC. With peers, there’s less of that intimidation. It’s a chance to practice casual conversation. For me, it’s an ideal teaching experience.
UW-Stevens Point Tutoring-Learning Center provides student …
The Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point makes that task easier by offering its extensive resources through fellow students. The TLC offers services in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), writing, academic coaching, tech essentials and more.
Tutoring and Learning Center - blog.uwsp.edu
2024年11月7日 · Did you know that UWSP has a Tutoring and Learning Center (TLC)? This place offers services, programming, and courses that support students’ academic excellence across all disciplines in an inclusive environment. They provide peer-to-peer assistance through individual and small-group collaboration.
Need a little TLC? Head over to the Tutoring Learning Center!
2023年11月10日 · All tutoring services are FREE for UWSP students. There are two primary ways to meet with our tutors: Make a One-on-One Appointment: Students can self-schedule using Navigate, contact us at [email protected] or 715-346-3568, or stop into CCC 234. Visit a Drop-In Tutoring Center: No appointment needed!
Word Plays - Tutoring-Learning Center (TLC) | UWSP
Wordplay Archive. New Edition! Fall 2021.
Instructor Information: Support Your Students with the TLC
We encourage you to connect students with TLC resources. Students who work with TLC tutors and peer coaches engage more thoroughly with course content and improve the study skills needed for success. Here are a few ways you can promote use of the TLC: