UWUA members work both underground and aboveground repairing the electric grid, perched high atop wind turbines, and in many other places in between. You will find us in your …
Utility Workers Union of America - Wikipedia
The Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) is a labor union in the United States. It has a membership of 50,000 and is affiliated with the AFL–CIO. The union has over 50,000 …
Organize Your Workplace - UWUA
UWUA represents workers in the nuclear industry, an essential source of energy that provides reliable, carbon-free power. Additionally, our members’ work involves closing and …
Our History - UWUA
UWUA’s earliest roots trace back to utility workers in New York, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, and Ohio who in the 1940s worked for companies such as Consumers Power, …
Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA) AFL-CIO - UWUA Local …
The Utility Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO (UWUA) is one of the most successful and progressive unions in all of the labor movement. We have over 50,000 members working in …
UWUA | Local 223 – Local 223 is a voice in the workplace and in …
The mission of UWUA Local 223 is to provide its members with a voice in the workplace and in the larger community. Our goals are to protect and improve the wages, benefits and standard …
2025年2月3日 · Reminder: Apply Now for the Local 369... On average, union workers’ wages are 27% higher than their nonunion counterparts.
About Us | UWUA
A chartered organization of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), UWUA Local 369 represents over 3,300 plus members working in the utility industry with service territory …
Utility Workers Union of America - InfluenceWatch
The Utility Workers Union of America represents employees working in electrical, gas, water, and nuclear energy industries. The union was founded in the 1940s and is an affiliated member …
Legislative and Policy Action - UWUA
2017年5月22日 · The legislative action federal, state, and local lawmakers take impacts UWUA members’ working lives every single day. From drafting comments about various policy …