UXO/IED 10-Line Flashcards - Quizlet
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IED/UXO Report Line 1. DATE-TIME GROUP: When the item was discovered. Line 2. REPORT ACTIVITY AND LOCATION: Unit and grid location of the IED/UXO. Line 3. CONTACT …
08 ied / uxo report 09 sitrep 11 salute report 12 salute report (weapons cache) 13 patrol report 15 shell / mort / bombrep 17 firecap ... line 1 line 3 casevac request / nato 10-line radio freq: …
2016年2月12日 · TBS-IED-1004a Given a simulated IED threat, send an IED 10-line report to inform higher headquarters and allocate resources. TBS-IED-1004b Given an evaluation, …
Afghanistan ISAF Counter-IED Smart Book | Public Intelligence
• Call Higher Headquarters/ EOD using the IED/UXO 10 line report. Clear Evacuate an area of approx 300 meter • Evacuate the area as quickly as possible. • Move people away from the …
We are going to discuss the IED threat, the components of an IED, indicators of a possible IED, common locations and employment techniques the enemy uses, some enablers available to …
This unclassified multiservice tactics, techniques, and procedures (MTTP) publication describes the unexploded explosive ordnance (UXO) threat and provides guidelines to minimize the …
ploded explosive ordnance (uxo) hazard markers qrc 12.19 cbrn preparedness actions qrc 12.20 cbrn response actions qrc 12.21 cbrn recovery actions qrc 12.22 positive m8 paper results qrc …
• Call Higher Headquarters/ EOD using the IED/UXO 10 line report. Clear Evacuate an area of approx 300 meter • Evacuate the area as quickly as possible. • Move people away from the …
Report UXO to your Unit Control Center using the ‘EOD 9-Line Report’ (See Airman’s Manual for Form) Execute the ‘5-C’s upon initial observation of a UXO