UBBM-tips on what goes there? : r/USPS - Reddit
2021年9月11日 · Easier to say what can go in UBBM: Presort Standard Mail without Endorsements Nonprofit Mail without Endorsements (this includes mail with that USA stamp) …
What and what not to UBBM? : r/USPS - Reddit
You can NEVER UBBM anything but 3rd class. Period. You can ONLY UBBM 3rd class when it is undeliverable. If there is a current resident endorsement, it is to be delivered unless the house …
let's talk UBBM : r/USPS - Reddit
2022年9月17日 · We have UBBM tubs under our cases. When you come in, you're supposed to go thru it and double check. The clerks generally go thru the tubs on Saturdays after the …
What does your office do with UBBM? : r/USPS - Reddit
2019年1月25日 · My main office requires the clerks to sort through all the carrier’s UBBM and dispose of it (the other two offices let the carriers deal with it themselves). Until a few months …
ubbm? : r/USPS - Reddit
2022年9月2日 · UBBM is "Undeliverable Bulk Business Mail". It means the flyers are not going to be delivered or forwarded, and they are going to be garbage/destroyed/recycled. If you're not …
What type of mail can go in the ubm bucket : r/USPS - Reddit
2020年10月1日 · Standard and nonprofit mail can be UBBM'd, as long as there's no service request (address service, electronic service, forwarding service). Anything else needs to be …
UBBM & Random Letters | Rural Mail Talk
2023年8月13日 · At least they would be getting some time for sorting through the ubbm even if it isn't piece count. They need to show documentation from the union about how ubbm is …
UBBM Mail anywhere in the PS 603? - Rural Mail Talk
2019年5月4日 · -- Surprise, surprise: "UBBM" does not show up in a word search of the POM nor DMM! -- Did these customers in question have curb side mail boxes, then switched to a PO …
throwing good mail in UBBM : r/USPS - Reddit
2022年11月27日 · Every piece of UBBM was looked at by the clerks. We each had tubs for it by our cases and would throw it in there. Every few days, a clerk would come by with a bin and …
How critically is UBBM looked at? : r/USPS - Reddit
Pretty sure a CCA at my office is bringing back UBBM instead of delivering it, I assume the clerks don't look too closely at it because I saw an entire relay of UBBM in that bitch, EVERY house. …