Home - UBI Group
UBI Group is a private commercial real estate lender whose primary objective is to meet our borrower’s need for short-term bridge financing with efficiency, flexibility and professionalism. Our firm provides commercial real estate financing for borrowers in unique and time-sensitive situations anywhere in the United States.
The Founder of UBI Group on Leading a Transition to Renewable Energy in ...
After building the oil and gas distribution company UBI Group in her native Ghana and then selling a majority stake to an international investor, Salma Okonkwo turned her attention to solar power.
UBI Smart Parcel Track & Trace - PostTrack.com
UBI Smart Parcel was the first to provide direct routes from China and Hong Kong to four major Australian cities. This service is available for all sorts of sendings, from small parcels to oversized and heavy packages. UBI Smart Parcel implements several joint projects with the …
United Biomedical - UBI Group
We are a multinational biopharmaceutical organization dedicated to the development of diagnostics and immunotherapeutics for the improvement of global health. Founded in 1985, we are a private, closely held company passionate about delivering science-driven innovation with platform capabilities.
育碧在30多个国家拥有40多家工作室,两万多人的育碧全球团队来自90多个文化背景。 在东西方文明交汇融合的大都市上海、传统文化与现代风尚完美共存的西部最大城市成都两地,育碧吸引了来自中国五湖四海乃至世界各地上千名崇尚创意、锐意进取的人才。 在多元包容文化的熏陶下,育碧中国的员工们全心投入于创作和团队协作,享受文化交流和思想碰撞的乐趣。 育碧为所有人创建心仪的游戏世界。 我们通过高质量、丰富人生的游戏体验,将不同的人连结在一起,为他们 …
Leadership team - About - United Biomedical Inc.
United Biomedical (UBI) was cofounded by Dr. Chang Yi Wang and her husband Nean Hu in 1984. Dr. Wang serves as the executive Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and Chief Scientific Officer of UBI.
Why This 48-Year-Old Woman Is Building Ghana's Biggest Solar Farm - Forbes
2018年7月31日 · For more than a decade, one 48-year-old entrepreneur in Ghana has been quietly building up a multimillion-dollar oil and gas outfit called UBI Group. Salma Okonkwo is a rare woman to head up an...
Founder, Chairperson and CEO's message - United Biomedical Inc.
United Biomedical Inc. (UBI) is a privatively held international group of companies with advanced technologies and global infrastructure. UBI’s vision is to deliver life-changing solutions to improve the health and well-being of mankind.
About UBI - About - United Biomedical Inc.
We are an entrepreneurial biopharmaceutical company delivering life-changing solutions to improve global health. We dedicate our scientific rigor to maintaining an innovation-driven, patient-oriented culture with outstanding execution and continuous improvement to fight diseases and improve medical interventions with unmet need.
PLN Investors - UBI Group
Service To Investor – Program Overview UBI Group Private Lender’s Network™ (PLN) consists of Individual Investors, IRA’s, Trusts, Pension Plans, LLC’s, Corporations, etc. The PLN is setup to fund 1st Position Trust Deeds, also known mortgage loans. When an …