Why we should all have a basic income - The World Economic Forum
2017年1月15日 · The idea is called unconditional or universal basic income, or UBI. It’s like social security for all, and it’s taking root within minds around the world and across the entire political spectrum, for a multitude of converging reasons. Rising inequality, decades of stagnant wages, the transformation of lifelong careers into sub-hourly tasks, exponentially advancing technology like …
Universal basic income is the answer to the inequalities exposed …
2020年4月17日 · As governments around the world look to kickstart their economies after the COVID-19 outbreak, they can't afford to ignore universal basic income if they want to fend off social unrest.
What we know and what we don't about universal basic income
2021年8月12日 · Trials show how universal basic income performs in both stable and volatile settings but alternative and adjacent policy ideas need serious exploration.
Does 'universal basic income' work? These countries are finding …
2023年6月22日 · Trials of universal basic income schemes are being run in England, Wales and Finland to assess the impact on the lives of those receiving unconditional payments.
The results of Finland’s basic income experiment are in. Is it …
2019年2月12日 · While the concept of a basic income isn’t new, it’s gained traction in recent years as policy makers grapple with alleviating poverty, growing inequality and the job losses that are likely to go hand-in-hand with automation.
Don't believe in a universal basic income? This is why it would …
2018年5月29日 · A universal basic income means not only that millions of people would receive unconditional cash payments, but also that millions of people would have to cough up thousands more in taxes to fund it. This will make basic income politically a harder sell.
Why Universal Basic Income might not be the answer
2019年6月26日 · Boston – Owing to the inadequacy of the social safety net in the United States and other developed countries, proposals for a universal basic income (UBI) are gaining in popularity. The gap between the rich and everyone else has expanded significantly in recent years, and many fear that automation and globalization will widen it further.
Universal basic income gets people back to work - US trial | World ...
2021年3月15日 · Universal basic income is a polarizing issue, yet this US experiment is delivering some surprising and positive results.
This is how a universal basic income can end financial exclusion
2017年7月6日 · The main argument for a universal basic income (UBI) is that it would reduce poverty and income inequality. Yet UBI advocates often overlook a range of other potential benefits. Digital UBI payments can bring people into the financial system and build their financial capability, unlocking a range of development benefits for citizens and governments alike.
Universal basic income has support from some big names
2017年3月21日 · It might seem odd for tech entrepreneurs to take an interest in income distribution policy. But an increasing number of high-profile Silicon Valley executives are endorsing universal basic income (UBI), a system in which everyone receives a standard amount of money just for being alive.