Global Map of Basic Income Experiments - The Stanford Basic Income Lab
This geospatial map presents UBI-related experiments, pilots, programs and policies throughout the world, some past and some ongoing, and enables the user to compare them across a range of designs and implementation features.
Everywhere basic income has been tried, in one map - Vox
2020年2月19日 · The largest and longest UBI experiment in the world is taking place in Kenya, where the charity GiveDirectly is making payments to more than 20,000 people spread out across 245 rural villages.
Global Map of Universal Basic Income Networks - UBI Advocates
Global Map of UBI Networks. • You may search this map by “Name of the Network”, “Country”, or “City” by clicking the appropriate category in the upper left hand corner of the map. • Zoom with the plus (+) and minus (-) signs. • Where each green marker shows a network, the names of the networks are not visible until you click on a green marker.
The Stanford Basic Income Lab
Explore our visualization of UBI research and its connection to a variety of social issues. What is Basic Income? It is a recurring payment, rather than a one-off grant. It is paid in cash, allowing individuals to determine what they need. It is paid to all members of a community, rather than targeted to a specific population.
Global Map of Universal Basic Income Networks
2020年9月15日 · The tool, ‘Global Map of UBI Networks’, has been developed under the umbrella of ‘Worldwide Meetings of UBI Advocates and UBI Networks’. It is a digital map of UBI Networks, and at its launch there were 132 UBI Networks from more than 45 different countries participating in it’s first version.
Google Maps
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Mapped: Where Basic Income Has Been Tested Worldwide - Visual …
2020年9月18日 · With these parameters in mind, and thanks to data from the Stanford Basic Income Lab, we’ve mapped 48 basic income programs that demonstrate multiple features of UBI and are regularly cited in basic income policy. Some mapped programs are past experiments used to evaluate basic income.
Map of UBI Studies around the world - Universal Basic Income
UBI Pilot Studies around the world MAP
Updated: Global Map of UBI Experiments: Where Have We Been, …
2020年11月30日 · How and where have Universal Basic Income (UBI) and policies that share features with a UBI been tested? What are some significant differences between these programs and which features do they share with an ideal UBI policy? What impacts can be measured when giving individuals unconditional cash on a regular basis?
UBI Lab Network
UBI Lab is a worldwide network of citizens, researchers and activists exploring the potential of Universal Basic Income (UBI). UBI is a regular and unconditional payment given to everyone regardless of their income, wealth or work.