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UniFi is rethinking IT with industry-leading products for enterprise networking, security, and more unified in an incredible software interface.
Software Downloads - Ubiquiti
2020年4月1日 · Browse downloads by product and explore popular and new Ubiquiti applications.
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优倍快UBNT全家桶真实用户体验测评 - 原创分享(新) - Chiphell
2023年6月6日 · 所谓UBNT全家桶,包括了网关路由,交换机,AP,监控摄像头,监控录像机,机柜以及网络跳线。 起初我连墙内网线都想用他们家的,但是只能海淘前期就太过麻烦所以放弃选择了泛达的墙内线。 另外G4 Doorbell pro也在路上了,晚点安排。 剩下还有若干个还在海淘采购中...... 一眼看去这些设备和线就已经花了不少钱了,算了算加上踩坑并填坑的“教训”费用,足足花掉了4万块大洋。 下面先来说说踩的坑吧: 不差钱,预算充足的可以直接在国行官方店下单,保 …
Ubiquiti Networks introduces the UniFi® Security Gateway, which extends the UniFi Enterprise System to encompass routing and security for your network. The UniFi Security Gateway combines reliable security features with high‐performance routing technology in a …
Common Procedures for Ubiquiti Products - OpenWrt
2025年1月24日 · Ubiquiti devices with XW boards do not have the limitation that those based on XM have when installing OpenWRT and when downgrading. What is required is to have a firmware version of AirOS 6.0.4 or lower. As of version 6.0.6, Ubiquiti only supports digitally signed firmwares.
UniFi® is the revolutionary Wi-Fi system that combines enterprise performance, unlimited scalability, and a central management controller. UniFi 802.11AC Dual‐Radio Access Points (APs) have a refined industrial design and can be easily installed using the included mounting hardware.
UniFi Design Center
Simulate a complete UniFi system with our powerful visualization and planning tool.