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UBO ENT | Public Relations and Marketing
Successful businesses choose UBO to increase sales. GET STARTED NOW! How It Works! We increase your brand exposure publishing news articles to top news sites. 1. Write. WE …
Mon ENT UBO - univ-brest.fr
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Pay as low as $99 w/Starter Pack! Creators and brands use UBO for awareness + sales. Affordable prices for Talent, Brands & Businesses.
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Université Bretagne Occidentale
Bienvenue sur la plateforme STUDEA de l'Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO). Cet espace numérique vous permet de compléter et signer le Livret électronique de l'alternance (Lé@). Il est partagé entre l'alternant, le maître d'apprentissage et le tuteur pédagogique.
#LIVENOW! #RADIOSHOWWITHMARCLEE #LIVENOW! CHECK OUT #KINGWOJACK FROM TACOMA, WA Talk about education, politics and hip-hop now!...
UBO ENT | Check out Stephen Slyide Wood one of our @UBOENT …
Check out Stephen Slyide Wood one of our @UBOENT staff, he is an emcee, producer and independent marketing contractor. He recently put together a mixtape that features some UBO MAG artists as well!...
UBO ENT | Check out #The Suga-T Show with Dr - Facebook
Check out #The Suga-T Show with Dr. Tee Stevens AKA @Suga-T who reveals that Doctor Dre's daughter is homeless (the shame!). How to identify a deadbeat Dad, according to Laconda Davies. Watch Below!...
Add On Retainers - UBO ENT
When clients purchase packages (3/6 months) they may choose to forgo a retainer; therefore, waiving their ability to receive important features/interviews, plays, signings, licensing, sponsorships & other opportunities; this is the new norm in entertainment. Within the service arrangement, new/current clients have the option to add a retainer. Clients need to choose & pay monthly & in advance ...