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UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era, yet different than all you have seen so far. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home, but it can become their grave at any time. In UBOAT you control the crew in order to control the boat.
About uboat.net - The U-boat Wars 1939-1945 (Kriegsmarine) …
On this site you will find all the German U-boats of both World Wars, their commanding officers and operations including all Allied ships attacked, technological information and much more. You can also browse our large photo gallery and thousands of U-boat books and movies.
UBOAT游戏_UBOAT中文版下载_UBOAT攻略_汉化补丁_修改器_游 …
UBOAT潜艇篇详细攻略:设备功能与操作解析 - 百度贴吧
这是UBOAT游戏全详细攻略的第一篇——潜艇系列的内容,这篇攻略主要详细讲解游戏中潜艇上的各种设施的功能以及配合使用方法。 之后还会有关于游戏中潜艇战术以及人员安排管理细节的教程,敬请期待。 游戏中模拟了潜艇上的重要设备功能,并需要玩家控制其相互配合来达到控制潜艇,攻击敌人的效果,接下来将按照功能分类来解释它们的作用和配合使用方法。 二战时期潜艇上的探测设备比较有限,可以分为光学、无线电、水听器三种类型。 光学设备包括目标指示器, …
UBOAT - Update 2025.1 - Steam News
Dear captains, We hope that you had a good start to the New Year 2025! 🎆 We are happy to announce that the next update for UBOAT is now ready to download. Below is a quick overview of the changes shipped with it.
U-boat - Wikipedia
Austro-Hungarian Navy submarines were also known as U-boats. U-boats are most known for their unrestricted submarine warfare in both world wars, trying to disrupt merchant traffic towards the UK and force the UK out of the war.
【10.05.24】《潜艇(UBOAT)》官方中文 v2024.1 patch 18 …
2007年5月1日 · 《UBOAT》是一款二战时期潜艇的模拟游戏。 这款沙盒类生存游戏包含船员管理机制,游戏主题是德国水手的生活。 潜艇是他们的家,不过随时都有可能变成他们的坟墓。 1. 解压缩. 2. 载入镜像. 3. 安装游戏. 4. 运行游戏. 1. 是非常优秀的作品,在某一方面非常杰出. 2. 全方位都比较优秀,玩家不得不玩的作品. 3. 可玩可不玩的作品,缺乏真正游戏的素质. 4. 很糟糕的制作水平,没必要浪费玩家时间. 5. 无法对其作出评价,有些人喜欢有些人恨. 相当硬核的U艇模拟游 …
UBOAT - Steam Community
UBOAT is a simulator of a submarine from WWII era. It is a survival sandbox with crew management mechanics while its primary theme is life of German sailors. The boat is their home, but it can become their grave at any time.
【游戏备忘集】UBOAT 超真实潜艇模拟!新游上手攻略 steam二 …
相关游戏:uboat 刚发售的一款二战u型潜艇策略模拟游戏,喜欢这个题材的小伙伴可以试试,路过别忘了点个赞哟~
《UBOAT》是一款以二战时期为背景的潜艇模拟游戏,由Deep Water Studio开发,PlayWay S.A.发行。 游戏结合了沙盒生存和船员管理机制,玩家将扮演德国潜艇的指挥官,体验潜艇艇员的生活。